uilnivla (soulone)
2008-04-07 22:32:58Joe Nathan
Age: 33
2008 salary: $6 million
Key stat: 160 saves over last four seasons.
The skinny: He's been one of the most reliable closers in baseball over the
last few seasons, but he'll likely be following Johan Santana out the foor.
Either as a free agent following the 2008 season, or in a trade sometime
before the July 31 deadline.
Nathan 是前几季全大联盟最好的关门人之一,不过他很可能跟随山大王的脚步出走,
注:双城已和 Nathan 签下新约,四年 $41m,2012 年 $12.5m 选择权或 $2m 买断。
Francisco Rodriguez
Age: 26
2007 salary: $10 million
Key stat: 132 saves over last three seasons.
The skinny: Rodriguez lost his arbitration case and was "stuck" with a $10
million deal. If he has another great season, he's going to get paid off big
time in the offseason, either by the Angels or someone else. Think something
in the range of four years, $48 million.
K-Rod 输了仲裁,因此只能卡在 10m 的年薪上不去,不过如果他今年的表现良好,明年
应该可以签到大约,可能在四年 48m 左右。
Brian Fuentes
Age: 32
2008 salary: $5.05 million
Key stat: 81 saves over last three seasons.
The skinny: A former 25th round draft pick, this side-winding left-hander
became a threat as a closer in Denver. He lost his position due to some
struggles in 2007, but could command some attention with a solid rebound in
2008, even if as a situational lefty.
Fuentes 是在第 25 轮被选上的,这位有着大幅度投球姿势的左投手在洛矶担任关门人。
2007 年有一段时间的表现不好,不过今年应该会有所改善。
Brad Lidge
Age: 31
2008 salary: $6.35 million
Key stat: 66 games pitched in 2007 was his lowest total since 2002.
2007 年出赛 66 场是他自从 2002 年以来的最低。
The skinny: Once an All-Star, Lidge seemed to lose confidence after giving up
a monstrous home run to Albert Pujols in the 2005 NLCS, a series his Astros
won. The Phillies are banking on him regaining his form as they moved former
closer Brett Myers to the rotation.
曾经是全星星球员,Lidge 在太色人时期,2005 年国联冠军赛被扑吼狮轰了一发大的,
之后就好像有点丧失信心,不过费城人把原本的关门人 Myers 拉到先发以后,现在对
Lidge 可是寄予厚望。
Kerry Wood
Age: 30
2008 salary: $4.2 million with another potential $3.45 million in performance
2008 年薪 $4.2m,激励奖金 $3.45m
Key stat: 0 career saves.
生涯救援:0。(注:其实昨天刚拿到生涯第一个 SV)
The skinny: His body broke down under heavy wear and tear as a starter with
the Cubs. But he showed some promise in limited action out of the bullpen
last season, and the Cubs will give him a shot at the closer's position in
2008. If he shines, a big contract will be on the horizon.
作者: Fenixbroken (Metal Up Your Ass!!) 2008-04-07 22:34:00
作者: eigawa 2008-04-07 22:56:00
I can't....I can't....
fetoyeh (小叶)
2008-04-07 23:00:00看到Lidge就要推 XD I can't...I can't.....
dblsesame (with or without you)
2008-04-07 23:11:00这是什么时候的文章啊, Joe Nathan 已经续约了呀
作者: joeyer (joeyer) 2008-04-07 23:19:00
有兴趣的人可以去找歌词 搭配起来真的很毒.....
作者: lordi (Semper Fidelis) 2008-04-08 00:57:00
加注~片中普吼狮出现时的歌是Ozzy Osbourne的Crazy Train喔~
作者: Sarladin (沙拉丁 ) 2008-04-08 12:35:00
作者: ramirez 2008-04-08 12:56:00
I can't魂!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!