cyscys (Boston Ouskast)
2008-01-19 04:48:11我是想放在袜板, 不过因为注册时间不够久不能在那发文
希望有好心人帮我转一下, 谢谢
BA Jim Callis interview
1. Clay Buchholz, rhp
2. Jacoby Ellsbury, of
3. Lars Anderson, 1b
4. Justin Masterson, rhp
5. Jed Lowrie, ss
6. Ryan Kalish, of
7. Michael Bowden, rhp
8. Nick Hagadone, lhp
9. Oscar Tejeda, ss
10. Josh Reddick, of
Michael Rozier比较的话, 我们几乎可以确定Buchy绝对是比较优秀的prospect。但是 Masterson vs. Lowrie??当一位是投手而另一位是野手,你有的时候会靠直觉来做判断。在BA的文章中我将Lowrie放在Masterson后面并不代表我不看好他,许多的球探认为他有能力在大联盟里担任一位合格的游击手(尽管他的守备能力并不突出),他的火力也足够让他担任三垒的位置。我之前预估Masterson
B.许多人认为Bowden的2A球季是令人失望的,这点我并不赞同。虽然他的被安打数有点高,他其他的数据依旧保持的不差,别忘了他去年20岁就进2A了。而他在有可能是全小联盟对投手表现影响最糟糕的高A Lancaster 投出 ERA 1.37 K/BB 46/ 8 in 46IP的优异成绩。他在BA只能排到第七完全是因为红袜农场的深度够深。而Ryan Kalish的排名较高是因为我认为他有较大的机会成为一位明星CF。Bowden同样的也有机会成为一位三号,他有着不错的速球和曲球,不过他还缺少一颗真正的决胜球,Nick Hagadone的stuff比Bowden来的优异而且他是个左投。Oscar
Tejeda则是有机会成为Miguel Tejada之类的SS,上述两人都有比Bowden更高成为明星球员的机会,而Bowden排名比他们两人较高是因为他今年的2A球季并不差
SP: 你将Argenis Diaz列为第12名,这会不会与他在HWL的好表现有关,你对他整体的评价呢?
JC: Diaz 在HWL的.358打击率的确有让我眼睛为之一亮。红袜去年将他练成了一位非常优异的SS守备职人,虽然HWL的水准并不高,他冬天在那的打击进步仍然是个好消息。红袜球团对他的期待是金手套游击手加上高AVG的球员,不过不用对他的OBP和SLG有太高的期望
SP: Josh Reddick的第一个新人球季缴出令人惊艳的.306 /.352 /.531。在球探的眼中他在哪些方面还需要改善,和其他红袜外野新秀相比你的意见呢?
JC: Reddick 是一位很有打击潜力的外野手,我对他的打击能力没有太大疑虑,不过他在打击区还需要培养他的耐心,以面对未来更高等级的投手。相较于其他OF新秀如Jacoby Ellsbury 或 Ryan Kalish,Reddick并不像他们那样的全面,不过在长打方面他绝对是里面最有潜力的。他会是更有打击破坏力的
Brandon Moss,他虽然没有农场里最好的臂力,不过他的传球并不弱且非常准确。
SP: 红袜球团方面说Jason Place的挥棒姿势在HWL中有很大的改善,球探们的看法是?
JC: 坦白的说,我认为一位高顺位选进的新秀未来性会很危险(Jason Place是06年第27pick)如果他需要大修他的打击姿势,今年他在1A的打击率只有 .214却吞了160K,他不只是要改善,而是要大大的改善,2008球季对他的未来会很重要。
SP: 在因为手掌手术而被迫终止的低A球季。Ryan Kalish缴出了不错的0.368 /0.471 /0.540三围,在复原良好的08年我们可以对他有多好的期待?
JC: 他有可能会是1A里最好的打者,三成打击率、10轰、25盗是可以期待的。他也会是一位水准以上的CF,双城会在包裹里要求加入他不是没有理由的
JC: 好问题,其实这三人中应该至少有一位要进我的红袜Top30的。我会把票投给左投Britton,他在去年夏天18岁时球速就可达94mph了。他对于比赛的掌控能力较佳,同时也让他的滑球更有威胁性,而Bailey虽然不是左投,却有着和Britton差不多的球速,一位我很尊敬的球探跟我说Bailey令他想起了另一位同样来自阿拉巴马周的右投手,Jake Peavy。
SP: 可以谈一下林哲瑄这位外野手和他的未来性吗?
JC: 目前他的打击并不是他最突出的能力,他的臂力是红袜农场中最强的,速度也很不错,因此他的守备有可能成为一位水准以上的CF。打击方面,他有一定的长打潜力和不错的推打能力,不过和其他的年轻球员一样,他需要加强对变化球的攻击能力。
SP: 对于一位非选秀FA来说 Hunter Jones在农场里晋升的很快,你觉得他在08年有机会在大联盟里为红袜出力吗?
JC: 是的,今年他的确有机会上来见见世面,他甚至有能力担任2-3局的中继角色
SP: 谈一下Michael Almanzar这位红袜花了1.5M签约金的多明尼加小鬼
JC: 红袜对他的打击寄予了很高的期望,16岁的他已经有了很好的挥棒速度与长打能力,六呎五吋 180磅的体型只有在往上发展的空间,五年后他有可能成为一位顶尖的长打好手,他的臂力也是另一项好物
SP: 红袜这几年的海外选秀和其他球团相比表现如何?
JC: 这并不好回答,有许多的小球员你需要在他们长出来以后才能作评估。不过红袜在过去两年从海外补进了Tejada, Almanzar, Engel Beltr和林哲瑄等人,以及松?和冈岛两位日本投手
SP: George Kottaras, Mark Wagner, Ty Weeden三位新秀捕手谁最有可能接下队长的重担?
JC: 我认为Wagner 是目前红袜农场里最好的捕手新秀,他在守备方面是最优秀的,也有不错的打击能力,Kottaras 的打击仍有待加强。我想他可能只有二号的潜力。Weeden则有红袜农场捕手里最高的ceiling 。
SP: Chris Carter 可以带给红袜lineup任何帮助吗?
JC: 只有在先发受伤时他才会有机会,即使一垒的Youk受伤,他也不一定会是替补的第一人选,外野也会是以Brandon Moss为主,Carter的小联盟成绩很令人玩味,他想打进红袜的lineup还有些难度
SP: Would you say that 2008 seems like an important year for Kris Johnson? Do you expect him to take the next step now that there should be no lingering effects from Tommy John Surgery?
JC: I wouldn't say it's a crucial year, because he pitched well and made good progress in the last two-thirds of the 2007 season. Once he stopped being intimidated by Lancaster, he was fine. He has his velocity and command back, and his changeup is fine. He just needs to regain the curveball he had before the Tommy John surgery, and once he does that, I think he'll move quickly.
SP: The Lancaster park effects are undeniable, but Zach Daeges put up big numbers there. What is your read in his (actual) offensive potential? Is he good enough to potentially hold down a corner OF spot?
JC: I liked Daeges even before Lancaster boosted his numbers. He has a legitimate bat. He's limited to left field, though, so he can really hit. I think he has the chance to develop into what Brandon Moss has become (though not a right fielder). Daeges is more of an extra outfielder for a contender like Boston.
SP: Obviously they will never state it publicly, but do you sense any feeling of regret from the Sox regarding their inability to sign some big names in this year's draft? Who takes the blame for Hunter Morris?
JC: Not really, honestly. On Hunter Morris, that was a situation where the Red Sox felt he and his people had agreed to one price and Morris and his people believed they had not, and the two sides couldn't overcome that. I don't think Boston has much regret though, because they get the same pick (84a) in the 2008 draft and they signed a high school first baseman they're thrilled with in Anthony Rizzo. And though it seems like the Red Sox were somewhat more conservative in 2007 while the Yankees spent a
lot more money, two things haven't gotten a lot of play. First, New York overspent on guys seeming because it can, and I don't think the Yankees' overall haul is that impressive for the cash spent. Second, Boston went over slot to get Ryan Dent, Will Middlebrooks, Rizzo, David Mailman, Bailey and Britton. I'm not saying this class will be as good as the Red Sox' 2006 draft class, but it could be similar in that a year from now, a lot of the later-round picks could look pretty good. Boston didn't sign a
lot of intriguing names who slipped because of signability: Justin Grimm, Jake Cowan, Scott Green, Jaren Matthews, Matt Presley, Yasmani Grandal and Nick Tepesch. But in most of those cases, the Sox were taking a flier in case the players reduced their asking price and/or lessened their desire to go to college. I think those gambles are always worth taking. Tepesch was going to Missouri, even if he got offered $1 million. Grandal wanted $1 million, and his bat just isn't that good yet. Matthews agreed
to terms, then changed his mind. The one Boston probably regrets the most is Green. He was good but not great in the Cape Cod League, and he wanted the same money Nick Schmidt got in the first round from the Padres ($1.26 million). The Red Sox went up to $800,000 on him, and they'll kick themselves if he emerges as a first-rounder this spring. Of course, you can make the argument that Boston can easily afford the extra $426,000 Green wanted, or the difference between the value they put on, say, Grandal
and his asking price. I'd love to see a study that if a tea