djviva (时鼠无奈)
2015-10-21 15:45:08Bulls-Hornets notes and observations http://tinyurl.com/pdby2h4
The slimmer, fitter, happier Al Jefferson
一. 更精瘦, 更适应, 更快乐的Al Jefferson
One of the most notable Hornets storylines this season was center Al
Jefferson shedding 20 pounds. At least on Monday night, Jefferson looked like
a different player. After all, as someone who has watched Jefferson for seven
years, seeing him with tangible bursts of speed is jarring, but cool. Having
that extra speed enabled Jefferson to move more off of the ball on offense,
and similarly enhance the team's spacing on the floor.
本季最值得注意的其中之一, 就是黄蜂的中锋Al减掉了20磅囉~ 至少在周一对战公牛时,
Al看似判若两人, 之后一个七年来都在关注Al比赛的人表示, 看到Al充满速度跟爆发力的
表现后觉得, 虽然不太能适应但看的挺爽的就是了~ 有了更快的速度后Al就能在无球跑动
进攻上做得更好, 顺带的也让黄蜂整体的spacing提升一个档次
Defensively, it was also noticeable. While Jefferson has never been a great
defender, being lighter made a difference in allowing him to cover more
ground, and at least get a hand in the shooter's face. At the age of 30
Jefferson isn't going to become an all-world defender, but it will be
interesting to see if he looks better once the real games begin.
防守方面也同时有值得一提的地方, Al从来都不曾是个出色的防守者, 少了20磅后他的防
守范围变得更广了些, 至少能在对手跳投时把手遮在对方的脸上, 30岁的Al并不会成为全
方位的防守者, 但季赛开始后他是否能表现得更出色则是令人有兴趣想看到的事
Jeremy Lin and the top of the key
二. 林书豪 - 罚球线顶端的出手
Lin had another nice game against the Bulls on Monday with his 18 point, five
assist, and eight rebound performance. The most impressive part about Lin's
18 points isn't that he did it in 24 minutes, but that he only needed eight
shots to do so since he went 5-9 from the free throw line.
对公牛一战林书豪再次打出好表现, 18分5助攻8篮板, 最令人印象深刻的并非他在24分钟
内拿下18分, 而是这18分他只用了8次出手 (另含罚球线9中5)
In particular, Lin took roughly half of his shots from the top of the key.
Often times, Lin would work off of a screen, and flare out to his spot on the
court. It's funny because the long two is a much maligned shot these days,
but it's a shot that Lin can hit capably. From 2011-2014 Lin shot between
40.6 percent and 45.2 percent between 16 feet and the three-point line. On
Monday Lin went 2-4 from that space above the break, but it's a shot that
he's hit well all preseason.
尤其是这场林书豪几乎有一半的出手是来自于罚球线顶端, 常常会看到林借由队友帮档后
快速闪到一旁出手; 这现象很有趣, 因为近来长距离两分跳投普遍来说是不好的, 但林却
能掌握得很好! 2011~2014之间林书豪在16呎到三分线这距离之间的命中率是40.6%~45.2%
, 这场他长距离两分跳投也4中2, 他能投的这么好真的很令人惊艳啊
This was Lin's preseason shot chart coming into the night, and has continued
to shoot very well from these spaces. I wouldn't expect him to continue to
shoot at a near-50 percent clip, because that's incredibly hard to do, but if
he can shoot like he did in New York and Los Angeles, Steve Clifford could
find himself with another trick up his sleeve.
点网址连结可以看到林书豪这次热身赛的各位置命中率图, 他在这些位置上真的都投的
很好, 我并不会去期待她有着将近50%的命中率, 因为这实在是太不切实际了点也太困难
, 但如果林书豪能像当初在尼克跟湖人那般神射神准, 那么教头Cliff就爽歪歪了
三. 奔跑吧!黄蜂们!
上一季黄蜂在快攻上全NBA倒数第二, 场均快攻得分只有9.2(真是不好的数字), 但对公牛
的下半场黄蜂快攻打的相当好, 并且有许多次easy baskets机会, 整场比赛黄蜂在快攻上
拿下了12分, 以上赛季来说就是中段班程度了~
四. P.J. Hairston改善了两点, 却在另一点上退步了
上一季教练要求的多分享球 & 防守上更卖力点, 这两项看来是有进步
五. Lin could help Frank Kaminsky's development 林书豪能帮Kaminsky进步
I single out Lin here only because he led the second unit, and therefore
shared the court with Kaminsky more. We also saw a good amount of the
Lin-Kemba Walker backcourt, so it's logical to think that Kaminsky might play
with Lin the most. At any rate, Lin could ease Kaminsky's transition when
they're on the floor together as Lin looked for him several times, often at
the basket.
在此特别把林书豪单独列出来是因为他领导著第二队, 也就是他跟Kaminsky一起上场的时
间会很多; 看过了许多林书豪+Kemba后场组合的利多后, 逻辑上我们能知道Kaminsky主要
也会来跟林书豪搭配. 不管怎样, 林书豪都能让Kaminsky在transition上更得心应手, 因
为林书豪在场上会多次的留心Kaminsky的动态, 往往是在篮下时
Lin went out of his way to fire some risky passes into the post to find
Kaminsky, but the rookie mostly failed to convert, shooting just 1-6 from the
field. If the two are able to build that chemistry in shootaround and
practice, there could be something to that. In short, there could be
potential here, but the two players just need to learn how to play better
with each other, and that could very well come with time.
对公牛的这场林书豪许多次切入后做出有点危险性的助攻, 把球传给底线的Kaminsky, 但
这菜鸟绝大多数都无法好好掌握住机会, 整场只有6投1中的成绩. 如果林书豪跟Kaminsky
能建立起两人之间的化学效应, 将会有不错的表现, 他们俩仍需透过练习来学习如何跟对
方搭配, 但随着时间转动应该很快就能看到绩效
六. 篮板抓输公牛, 但关键时刻还是抓的到需要的的篮板的~