[外絮] Jeremy & Walker后场组合股份有限公司大发利市!

楼主: djviva (时鼠无奈)   2015-10-21 10:48:53
Jeremy Lin, Kemba Walker backcourt pairing paying early dividends for Hornets
林书豪+Kemba的后场组合股份有限公司发股利给黄蜂囉~ http://tinyurl.com/qgqqh5l
One of the biggest mistakes the Charlotte Hornets ever made was signing Lance
Stephenson. He was supposed to team with Kemba Walker during big moments to
give the Hornets another player who could score and make it simpler for
others to score. Instead, he was a mess, and he lasted only a year.
黄蜂所犯过最大的错误就是签下Lance Stephenson, 当初签他来是想用他去跟Kemba搭配
, 在关键时刻能让其他能得分的黄蜂球员可以好好拿分; 但事与愿违, Lance是个灾难,
But the Hornets have found that player in the backcourt who can team with
Walker. His name is Jeremy Lin. He costs about a quarter of what Stephenson
did. And he has already made Charlotte a team that is way more fun to watch.
但所幸黄蜂找到另一个能跟Kemba配合的后场球员, 就是林书豪, 并且只需要Lance 1/4的
年薪, 林书豪的加入很快的就让黄蜂成为了一支让人更有兴致观看其比赛的队伍
I know it is only preseason, but the Hornets' 6-0 record is attributable in
part to the graceful way Lin has adapted to his new team.
我知道现在只是季前热身赛啦, 但至今黄蜂热身赛6场全胜的战绩真的得归功于林书豪
Consider Monday night. Kemba had 22 points in 31 minutes, but zero assists
and just one rebound. Lin had 18 points, a team-high eight rebounds and five
想想上一场比赛, Kemba在31分钟内拿下22分但没有传出助攻也没有抓下篮板; 然后林书
豪拿下18分+全队最高的8篮板 & 全队最高的5助攻
Lin is so much better than Stephenson was for this team. He makes quicker and
better decisions with the ball, his 3-point shooting spaces the court and his
defense isn't as bad as advertised.
事实证明林书豪比Lance更适合黄蜂队, 林书豪能更迅速并更好的处理球, 林的三分能力
拉开了场上空间, 他的防守也不像传说中的不好
I'm already wishing the Hornets had Lin under a guaranteed two-year deal.
Instead, the second year is at Lin's option, which means if Lin has a great
year he could leave for bigger money elsewhere.
我已经开始希望看到林书豪在黄蜂打满两年, 但第二年林有球员选项, 这代表如果这球季
林书豪打得出色, 下个球季他可能会跳脱来寻求更大的合约
Said Lin of his new relationship with Walker: "The biggest thing is – and
that’s not just me and Kemba (Walker), it’s any basketball relationship –
you have to want to see the other person succeed. I’ve been very impressed
with who Kemba is as a person and how down to earth and humble he is. We’ve
been able to get along off the court and carry that onto the court and it’s
been fun. I love playing with him."
对于跟Kemba的新伙伴关系, 林书豪说:"最主要的, 这也不单单指我跟Kemba, 这是所有篮
球方面的关系, 就是你必须有一颗想要其他队友获得成功的心, 我印象很深刻的一点就是
Kemba是个很低调谦逊的人, 球场之外我们能好好相处, 并把这种情谊带上场, 这很有趣,
Said Walker of what Lin brings to the court when they are on it together: "It
takes a lot of pressure off me. I don't always have to go back for the
basketball every time. When he's out there, he's helping me with the pace,
with the tempo. He's very unselfish and he can score the basketball very
well. So that's fun."
至于同与林书豪在场上林在场上所带来的效应, Kemba如是说:"有林一起在场上真的释放
了我许多压力, 我就不用老是每次都得我来处理球; 当林书豪上场时, 他帮助了我调整
节奏跟步调, 林真的是极其无私的球员, 然后更爽的是林书豪还能很出色的得分, 这真的
Lin and Walker are natural point guards, but Lin can slide over to the
shooting guard spot with little problem. You can tell Hornets coach Steve
Clifford likes this lineup. Charlotte gets into its offense earlier with it
and gets better shots out of it. Defensively it will sometimes be a struggle,
but it hasn't been yet.
林跟Kemba虽都是天生的PG, 但林书豪能够近乎完美的切入SG的角色, 我想大家都看得出
来黄蜂教头挺喜欢这阵容的, 黄蜂的攻势也因为这阵容能够早早的进入状况; 这阵容未来
或许有时候在防守上会遇到麻烦, 但目前还没看到
Of the Walker-Lin grouping, Clifford said: "I think it’s just two really
good pick-and-roll players on the floor together. And also when (Nicolas)
Batum is out there, because he’s also a good pick-and-roll player, they draw
two defenders every time they get in the pick-and-roll.
对于"林-Kemba后场组合", 教头Cliff说:"我认为这真的是两个优秀的挡拆球员并肩的组
合, 此外Batum也是个很棒的挡拆球员, 当Batun也同时在场上时, 他们每一次总是都能
吸引两名对方防守球员然后顺利打好pick and roll~~"
“Then when the ball moves, the next guy has room, or there’s so much space
on the other side. That’s really what the NBA game is about. Put all three
of them out there, it’s such a good skill level that we can create shots."
"接着当球流转时, 另一个人就有了出手空间, 或是场上弱边就出现了大空档, 这就是
NBA的精粹啊! 同时把书豪 & Kemba & Batum放上场, 我们黄蜂就会瞬间level up!"
The preseason will soon be wiped off the books. Charlotte opens for real on
Oct. 28th, at Miami. And the Walker-Lin pairing is just one of the reasons
this season has serious potential.
黄蜂的例行赛将在10/28于迈阿密做客开始, Jeremy & Kemba Backcourt Corp.就是本
作者: bluesunflowe   2015-10-21 11:08:00
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