这学期我修的英史刚好有介绍到John Donne和Andrew Marvell这两位诗人,坦白说第
一次唸到Donne早期的"The Flea"、"Song"、"The Indifferent"这几首诗的时候,确实会令很多
等(在他有名的Elegy 19. To His Mistress Going to Bed里甚至有基于当时帝国主义的概
<The Indifferent>
I can love both fair and brown;
Her whom abundance melts, and her whom want betrays;
Her who loves loneness best, and her who masks and plays;
Her whom the country form'd, and whom the town;
Her who believes, and her who tries;
Her who still weeps with spongy eyes,
And her who is dry cork, and never cries.
I can love her, and her, and you, and you;
I can love any, so she be not true.
Will no other vice content you?
Will it not serve your turn to do as did your mothers?
Or have you all old vices spent and now would find out others?
Or doth a fear that men are true torment you?
O we are not, be not you so;
Let me
作者: howboutno 2009-06-21 23:09:00
Aristophanes说"关于男人, 帝国主义肮脏下流的秘密就是:战争和领土侵略其实是性爱的代替品, 而反之亦然."好像有点相关?