[翻译] 游戏专案为何成功系列之三

楼主: NDark (溺于黑暗)   2015-01-16 17:57:23
The Game Outcomes Project, Part 3: Game Development Factors
撰文:Paul Tozour
This article is the third in a 5-part series.
Part 1: The Best and the Rest is also available here: (Gamasutra)
(BlogSpot) (in Chinese)
Part 2: Building Effective Teams is available here: (Gamasutra)
(BlogSpot) (in Chinese)
This article is part 3, and will soon be updated on BlogSpot and
translated to Chinese.
Parts 4-5 will be published in late January 2015.
For extended notes on our survey methodology, see our Methodology blog
Our raw survey data (minus confidential info) is now available here if
you'd like to verify our results or perform your own analysis.
The Game Outcomes Project team includes Paul Tozour, David Wegbreit, Lucien
Parsons, Zhenghua “Z” Yang, NDark Teng, Eric Byron, Julianna Pillemer, Ben
Weber, and Karen Buro.
第一篇请连以下文章 (Gamasutra) (BlogSpot) (in Chinese 繁体中文)
第二篇请连以下文章 (Gamasutra) (BlogSpot) (in Chinese 繁体中文)
想要知道问卷的方法论,请参阅部落格页面 "Game Outcomes Project
"游戏专案为何成功"团队成员包含Paul Tozour,David Wegbreit,Lucien Parsons,
Zhenghua “Z” Yang,NDark Teng,Eric Byron,Julianna Pillemer,Ben Weber,及
Karen Buro。
The Game Outcomes Project, Part 3: Game Development Factors
The Game Outcomes Project was a large-scale study of teamwork, culture,
production, and leadership in game development conducted in October 2014. It
was based on a 120-question survey of several hundred game developers, and it
correlated all of those factors against a set of four quantifiable project
outcomes (project delays, return on investment (ROI), aggregate reviews /
MetaCritic ratings, and the team’s own sense of satisfaction with how the
project achieved its internal goals). Our team then built all of these four
outcome questions into an aggregate “score” value representing the overall
outcome of the game project, as described on our Methodology page.
Previous articles in this series (Part 1, Part 2) introduced the Game
Outcomes Project and showed very surprising results. While many factors that
one would expect to contribute to differences in project outcomes – such as
team size, project duration, production methodology, and most forms of
financial incentives – had no meaningful correlations, we also saw
remarkable and very clear results for three different team effectiveness
models that we investigated.
Our analysis uncovered major differences in team effectiveness, which
translate directly into large and unmistakable differences in project
Every game is a reflection of the team that made it, and the best way to
raise your game is to raise your team.
In this article, we look at additional factors in our survey which were not
covered by the three team effectiveness models we analyzed in Part 2,
including several in areas specific to game development. We included these
questions in our survey on the suspicion that they were likely to contribute
in some way to differences in project outcomes. We were not disappointed.
Design Risk Management
First, we looked at the management of design risk. It’s well-known in the
industry that design thrashing is a major cost of cost and schedule overruns.
We’ve personally witnessed many projects where a game’s design was unclear
from the outset, where preproduction was absent or was inadequate to define
the gameplay, or where a game in development underwent multiple disruptive
re-designs that negated the team’s progress, causing enormous amounts of
work to be discarded and progress to be lost.
It seemed clear to us that the best teams carefully manage the risks around
game design, both by working to mitigate the repercussions of design changes
in development, and by reducing the need for disruptive design changes in the
first place (by having a better design to begin with).
We came up with a set of 5 related questions, shown in Figure 1 below. These
turned out to have some of the strongest correlations of any questions we
asked in our survey. With the exception of the two peach-colored
correlations for the last question (related to the return-on-investment
outcome and the critical reception outcome for design documents), all of
these correlations are statistically significant (p-value under 0.05).
Figure 1. Questions around design risk management and their correlations with
project outcomes. The “category score” on the right is the highest
absolute value of the aggregate outcome correlations, as an indication of the
overall value of this category. “Not S.S.” indicates correlations that are
not statistically significant (p-value over 0.05).设计面的风险管理及专案产出分
数的关联性。最右边的字段代表四栏中最高的绝对值关联性。Not S.S.代表没有统计表征
Clearly, changes to the design during development, and the way those design
changes were handled, made enormous differences in the outcomes of many of
the development efforts we surveyed.
However, when they did occur, participation of all stakeholders in the
decision to make changes, and clear communication and justification of those
changes and the reasons for them, clearly mitigated the damage.
[We remind readers who may have missed Part 2 that negative correlations (in
red/orange) should not be viewed a bad thing; on the contrary, questions
asked in a “negative frame,” i.e., asking about a bad thing that may have
occurred on the project, should have a negative correlation with project
outcomes, indicating that a lower answer (stronger disagreement with the
statement) correlated with better project outcomes (better ROI, fewer delays,
higher critical reviews, and so on). What really matters is the absolute
value of a correlation: the farther a correlation is from 0, the more
strongly it relates to differences in project outcomes, and you can then look
at the sign to see whether it contributes positively or negatively.]
Somewhat surprisingly, our question about a design document clearly
specifying the game to be developed had a very low correlation – below 0.2.
It also had no statistically significant correlation (p-value > 0.05) with
ROI or critical reception / MetaCritic scores. This is quite surprising, as
it suggests design documents are far less useful than generally realized.
The only area where they show a truly meaningful correlation is with project
timeliness. This seems to suggest that while design documents may make a
positive contribution to the schedule, anyone who believes that they will
contribute much to product success from a critical or ROI standpoint by
themselves is quite mistaken.
We should be clear that our 2014 survey did not ask any questions related to
the project’s level of design innovation. Certainly, it’s much easier to
limit design risk if you stick to less ambitious one-off games and direct
sequels. We don’t want to sound as if we are recommending that course of
For the record, we do believe that design innovation is enormously important,
and quite often, a game’s design needs to evolve significantly in production
in order to achieve that level of innovation. Our own subjective experience
is that a desire for innovation needs to be balanced against cautious
management of the enormous risks that design changes can introduce. We plan
to ask more questions in the area of design innovation in the next version of
the survey.
Team Focus
Managing the risks to the design itself is one thing, but to what extent does
the team’s level of focus – being on the same page about the game in
development, and sharing a single, common, vision – impact outcomes?
Figure 2. Questions around team focus and their correlations.团队专注力关联性
The strong correlations here are not too surprising; these tie in closely
with the design risk management topic above, as well as our questions about “
Compelling Direction,” the second element of Hackman’s team effectiveness
model from Part 2. As a result, the correlations here are very similar. It’
s clear that successful teams have a strong shared vision, care deeply about
the product vision, and are careful to resolve disagreements about the game’
s design quickly and professionally.
It’s interesting to note that the question “most team members cared deeply
about the vision of this game” showed a wide disparity of correlations. It
shows a strong positive correlation with critical reviews and internal goal
achievement, but only a very weak correlation with project timeliness. This
seems to indicate that while passion for the project makes for a more
satisfied team and a game that gets better review scores, it has little to do
with hitting schedules.
Crunch (Extended Overtime)
Our industry is legendary (or perhaps “infamous” is a better word) for its
frequent use of extended overtime, i.e. “crunch.” But how does crunch
actually correlate with project outcomes?

Figure 3. Questions around crunch, and related correlations.加班的关联性
As you can see, all five of our questions around crunch were significantly
correlated with outcomes – some of them very strongly so. The one and only
question that showed a positive correlation was the question asking if
overtime was purely voluntary, indicating the absence of mandatory crunch.
Even in the area where you might expect crunch would improve things –
project delays – crunch still showed a significant negative correlation,
indicating that it did not actually save projects from delays.
This suggests that not only does crunch not produce better outcomes, but it
may actually make games worse where it is used.
Crunch is an important topic, and one that is far too often passionately
debated without reference to any facts or data whatsoever. In order to do
the topic justice – and hopefully lay the entire “debate” to rest once and
for all – we will dedicate the entirety of our next article to further
exploring these results, and we’ll don our scuba gear and perform a “
deep-dive” into the data to ferret out exactly what our data can tell us
about crunch and its effects.
At the very least, we hope to provide enough data that future discussions of
crunch will rest far less on opinion and far more on actual evidence.
Team Stability
A great deal of validated management research shows clearly that teams with
stable membership are far more effective than teams whose membership changes
frequently, or those whose members must be shared with other teams. Studies
of surgical teams and airline crews show that they are far more likely to
make mistakes in their first few weeks of working together, but grow
continuously more effective year after year as they work together. We were
curious how team stability affects outcomes in game development.
Figure 4. Questions around team stability and their correlations to project
Surprisingly, our question on team members being exclusively dedicated to the
project showed no statistically significant correlations with project
outcomes. As far as we can tell, this just doesn’t matter one way or the
However, our more general questions around project turnover and
reorganization showed strong and unequivocal correlations with inferior
project outcomes.
At the same time, it’s difficult to say for sure to what extent each of
these is a cause or an effect of problems on a project. In the case of
turnover, there are plenty of industry stories that illustrate both: there
have been plenty of staff departures and layoffs due to troubled projects,
but also quite a few stories of key staff departures that left their studios
scrambling to recover – in addition to stories of spiraling problems where
project problems caused key staff departures, which caused more
morale/productivity problems, which led to the departure of even more staff.
We hope to analyze this factor more deeply in future versions of the survey
(and we’d like to break down voluntary vs involuntary staff departures in
particular). But for now, we’ll have to split the difference in our
interpretation. As far as we can tell from here, turnover and
reorganizations are both generally harmful, and wise leaders should do
everything in their power to minimize them.
Communication & Feedback
We included several questions about the extent to which communication and
feedback play a role in team effectiveness:
Figure 5. Questions around communication and their correlations.沟通与产出的关
Clearly, regular feedback from project leads and managers (our third question
in this category) is key – our third question ties in very closely with
factor #11 in the Gallup team effectiveness model from Part 2, with virtually
identical correlations with project outcomes. Easy access to senior
leadership (the second question) is also clearly quite important.
Regular communication between the entire team (the first question) is
somewhat less important but still shows significant positive correlations
across the board. Meanwhile, our final question revealed no significant
differences between cultures that preferred e-mail vs face-to-face
Organizational Perceptions of Failure
A 2012 Gamasutra interview with Finnish game developer Supercell explained
that company’s attitude toward failure:
"We think that the biggest advantage we have in this company is culture. […
] We have this culture of celebrating failure. When a game does well, of
course we have a party. But when we really screw up, for example when we need
to kill a product – and that happens often by the way, this year we've
launched two products globally, and killed three – when we really screw up,
we celebrate with champagne. We organize events that are sort of postmortems,
and we can discuss it very openly with the team, asking what went wrong, what
went right. What did we learn, most importantly, and what are we going to do
differently next time?"
我们认为在这间公司中最大的优势是文化... 我们鼓励失败。当游戏做得好的时候我们庆
It seems safe to say that most game studios don’t share this attitude. But
is Supercell a unique outlier, or would this attitude work in game
development in general if applied more broadly?
Our developer survey asked six questions about how the team perceived failure
on a cultural level:
Figure 6. Questions around organizational perceptions of failure and their
These correlations are quite significant, and nearly all of them are quite
strong. More successful game projects are much more likely encourage
creative risk-taking and open discussion of failure, and ensure that team
members feel comfortable and supported when taking creative risks.
These results tie in very closely with the concept of “psychological safety”
explained Part 2, under the “Supportive Context” section of Hackman’s
team effectiveness model.
Extensive management research indicates that respect is a terrifically
important driver of employee engagement, and therefore of productivity. A
recent HBR study of nearly 20,000 employees around the world found that no
other leader behavior had a greater effect on outcomes. Employees who
receive more respect exhibit massive improvements in engagement, retention,
satisfaction, focus, and many other factors.
We were curious whether this also applied to the game industry, and whether a
respectful working environment contributed to differences between failed and
successful game project outcomes as well. We were not disappointed.
Figure 7. Questions around respect, and related correlations.尊严的关联性
All three of our questions in this category showed significant correlations
with outcomes, especially the question about respectful relationships between
team leads/managers and developers.
Clearly, all team members
作者: wangm4a1 (水兵)   2015-01-16 21:22:00
作者: wulouise (在线上!=在电脑前)   2015-01-16 23:13:00
Crunch.这一篇不只是游戏业,对很多软件业都有效XD加班实在是负向回馈..只是那个Project Delay其实是Project not delay?就这个是负向写法,让我一开始看得时候有点迷惑..
作者: akilight (OWeeeeeeeee~)   2015-01-16 23:16:00
作者: cowbaying (是在靠北喔)   2015-01-17 08:34:00

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