AImau (Go NTE)
2016-06-21 12:27:43各位同学大家好,创胜文教NTE王梓沅老师依照机经整理出来的搭配词组,一次15组,
问题欢迎推文讨论。Happy learning!
1.an abortive attempt 徒劳无功的努力
2.ancillary services 附带的服务
3.compliant team members 服从的队员
4.fulsome details 众多的细节
5.a diaphanous veil 透明的面纱
6.a felicitously phrased talk 措辞得体的演讲
7.decorous behavior 合宜得体的行为
8.tangential thoughts 离题、无关的思维
9.appreciable progress 可察觉 (蛮多) 的进步
10.an indomitable spirit 不屈不挠的精神
11.scurrilous allegations 诋毁名誉的指控
12.a smug and self-righteous politician 自负且自以为是的政客
13.oblique reference 间接地提及某事
14.(sb) to remain unruffled 保持泰然自若、镇定
15.an invidious stance 容易招致反感的立场