[食记] 台北 Belle Époque 美好年代

楼主: petitebebe (petitebebe)   2014-01-18 01:18:33
餐厅名称:Belle Époque 美好年代 之小美好
营业时间: 11am-22pm
中英文图文部落格 http://wp.me/p32nS7-iD
美好年代 Belle Époque
ADD: No.23, Ln. 52, Sec. 1, Da’an Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
MRT: Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Exit 4 (blue line)
Open Hour: 11am-22pm
Facebook: 美好年代 Belle Époque
小美好 Belle Époque 2nd cafe shop
ADD:No.16, Ln. 51, Sec. 1, Da’an Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
MRT: Zhongxiao Fuxing Station Exit 4 (blue line)
Open Hour: 11am-22pm
There are two Belle Époque cafe shop, we went to the new one- the 2nd cafe shop. The two cafe shops are just across the street, isn’t too hard to find.
Where occidental and oriental meet in the era. Belle Époque gives you a scoop of how far the bubble pearl tea phenomenon can go within food.
It was the best of time, when Enlightenment Period started, the technology revolution, Belle Époque, the time of peace, optimism, rejoice in the air, the dawn of the new beginning….until the War came.
Spotted in Taipei East District where many petite clothes shops and unique restaurants are around.
photo 2
I’ve heard and saw many people talking about it, so here we are to try it out. But….first of all, one question to ask …..do you know where the bubble tea (aka Boba) you drink in downtown or Chinatown are from? You have 30 seconds to answer and the clock is ticking!
前一阵子听很多人在讨论这间咖啡店,当然要来尝尝看囉~ 首先,你知道风靡全球的中国城或是欧洲的珍珠奶茶是打哪儿来的嘛?
登登!是台湾!!! It’s from Taiwan!!!!!
Yup! The originally bubble tea (aka Boba) is from Taiwan! Here is Taiwan when you order a bubble pearl tea (or any other tea) in a tea stand can specialized into
# 1 Choosing the amount of sugar you want–100%, 70%, 50%, 30%, 0%.
#2 How cold you want your drink–100%ice, 70%ice, 50%ice, 30%ice, 0%ice
(We Chinese think it’s not good to drink too much cold drinks especially girl as it’s not good for your body)
~珍珠奶茶来自台湾。 而台湾的茶饮店可以让你客制您独一无二的茶饮料噢!点了饮料之后,可以
#1 选糖量- 全糖、7分糖、半糖、少糖、无糖
#2 选冰量- 冰、7分冰、半冰、少冰、无冰
photo 3-2
Anyway what we have today is the ‘bubble tea pancake’!
Uh huh, you didn’t heard me wrong! The pancake is made out of black tea topping with bubble pearls. In between layers and on top of the pancake are milk foam, which I thought maybe greasy or very creamy, however it wasn’t that bad than I have in mind and was a great combination to the pancake. The pancake size is humongous as well, the size of a face.
今天我们点了招牌珍珠奶茶松饼~ 可没听错是“珍珠奶茶”口味的。!由红茶制成的红茶松饼,搭配热腾腾的珍珠,松饼与松饼之间及最上层是牛奶打成的奶泡,口感不会很油腻或甜腻,与红茶松饼及珍珠的搭配刚刚好。松饼超大的跟人脸一样大!
photo 4
photo 1
There was an Oreo kind of pancake as well which my friends and I didn’t order cos she said “you’ll just be eating gigantic size of OREO, since the pancake is made out of Oreo, so there’ll be not that much of a big surprise than this one.”
She does have a point here and what’s more it’ll be too much for 3 girls to eat two gigantic pancake. Suggestion for portion would be 1-2 pancakes for 3 people.
还有Oreo口味的松饼,但学妹一直笑说“不就是Oreo组成的!妳吃来吃去都还是Oreo, 只是变成软绵绵Oreo口感松饼。”哈哈~也是啦~以及份量说实在蛮大的,所以我们3位女孩点了一份珍珠奶茶松饼,再各点一杯饮料。 建议三五好友来,3人点1-2份松饼差不多就够了,不然会太饱。
Here’s my chocolate marshmallow.
photo 5-2
photo 1-2
This cafe have limited consumption either a dish or a drink per person. Well…anyhow just add up the price of drink/dishes to the bill they want (I recalled it was 120NTD/ per person) and it’ll be just fine.
Sounds reasonable to me, I mean the cafe shop run business and yea, let them do their business. Well there is one coffee shop, I dare not recommend since I don’t like it that much cos they said ‘each person must order a drink besides the dishes” very absurd isn’t it!
photo 5-3
Wikipedia said: “ The Belle Époque or La Belle Époque was a period in French and Belgian history that is conventionally dated as starting in 1871 and ending when World War I began in 1914. Occurring during the era of the Third French Republic (beginning 1870), it was a period characterized by optimism, peace at home and in Europe, new technology and scientific discoveries. The peace and prosperity in Paris allowed the arts to flourish, and many masterpieces of literature, music, theater, and visual
art gained recognition. The Belle Époque was named, in retrospect, when it began to be considered a “golden age” in contrast to the horrors of World War I.
USA Period: In the newly rich United States, emerging from the Panic of 1873, the comparable epoch was dubbed the Gilded Age.
United Kingdom Period: In the United Kingdom, the Belle Époque overlapped with the late Victorian era and the Edwardian era.
Germany Period: In Germany, the Belle Époque coincided with thereign of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Russia Period: With the reigns of Alexander III and Nicholas II.
作者: antiger (antiger)   2014-01-18 09:16:00
barely understandable 很难看懂

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