trtr112 (pk)
2019-11-16 16:09:01请问各位先进, 以下的例句:
1. His cellphone is more expensive than mine.
2. His cellphone is more expensive than his father's.
3. Tom's cellphone is more expensive than Mary's.
4. His cellphone is more expensive than that of his father.
5. The cellphone of Tom's is more expensive than his father's (X)
6. The cellphone of Tom's is more expensive than that of Mary's.
7. The cellphone of Tom's is more expensive than that of mine. (X)
8. Tom's cellphone is more expensive than that of Mary's. (X)
请问大家, 以上8个例句中, 1~4 及第6句皆为正确. 第5 和 第7,8句为错误, 对吗?