[请益] 烦请专业大大过目一下这封信

楼主: Porco (波魯克)   2018-05-20 17:00:12
想拜托一下专业大大帮我过目一下 看有没有错的地方
只要有给我建议的大大 我会发150~300p(税前)聊表谢意(须在两天内 视内容决定p币多寡)
就拜托各位大大帮忙一下惹 感激不尽~!!
Hello Sir/Madam:
I had rented a car in Maiami from your company last month (please see the
details as attached below)
而我现在被你们刷了一笔 102.79元的费用,包含过路费和行政处理费
Now I was just charged for $102.79 USD for Toll fee($12.88) and Admin
我觉得这笔费用的Admin fee很不合理 希望你们能把Admin fee退还给我
I think it is totally an unreasonable charge for admin fee, and I think you
should refund my money back
There are two reasons that I said it's an unreasonable charge
1.我在拿车的那一天, 我有先请问当天的柜台人员是购买sunpass会比较省过路费的钱,
他说如果我不去Miami Beach或Key west等等,那我应该没有必要买sunpass。显然的,我
听从的他的建议没买,而现在却被多收我这么多钱,请问这样合理吗? 我可是听从你们专
For one thing, on the day I was picking up my car, I had consulted your
counter agent that which way is cheaper for toll fee(that is, Buying sunpass
or not). The counter agent advised me not to buy it if we will not go to
Miami beach or Key West. As a result, I followed his advice. HOWEVER, I had
been charged for a lot of money afterward!! Don't you think that's
unreasonable? Shouldn’t have I trusted your well-trained clerks?
Admin fee这种东西,谁会知道还有什么Admin fee这种东西啊?我觉得这真的很扯
I never had intended to avoid toll fee. I thought there are some device on
your car for automatic charging and I will have been charged after the car
was returned. What I knew is that whether I had to buy a sunpass and your
clerk suggested I didn’t need. He never mentioned I will be charged Admin
fee for $89.91. I don’t think it is very decent.
基于以上两点理由 我觉得我被收Admin fee是完全不合理的 希望这笔费用能退给我 谢谢
For the reasons above, I think that is utterly unreasonable to charge the
Admin fee on me. I hope you can get my money back for $89.91 asap.
Many thanks.
作者: yoson (yoson)   2018-05-20 20:00:00
其实不需要一直用过去完成式 我觉得https://reurl.cc/ON6y虽然我觉得成功机率不大 不过上面这个网页建议你先要求租车公司解释这笔费用是根据什么收的 在针对他们的解释抗辩
楼主: Porco (波魯克)   2018-05-20 22:24:00
租车网站(rentalcars)是说 那间租车公司(Thrifty)的条约载明未缴交过路费 每次经过收费站要多收9.99美金 但谁会去看那些细部合约啊? 而且我之前做了很多功课也都没有提到这种状况总之最后租车网站是说 依照某条法令他们无权介入 要我直接去找那间租车公司
作者: mark32504 (小马哥哥)   2018-05-21 09:41:00
不懂你的意思 你是说条约有说要扣行政费 因为正常人没人会看 所以不用遵守吗?
楼主: Porco (波魯克)   2018-05-21 12:35:00
如果照条约走我一定理亏 问题是我网络上查到的注意事项 跟我美国当地很多朋友都不知道有这个东西 我事后搜寻也找不到相关的资讯 我觉得要我留意到这东西 没有期待可能性
作者: mark32504 (小马哥哥)   2018-05-22 17:09:00

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