[请益] 请问designation与riling的意思

楼主: norge (Boston)   2017-07-16 23:47:44
On average, 8 humpback whales are stranded each year from Maine to
Virginia, and fewer than 2 are hit by ships, according to data from
An unusual mortality event is a specific designation under the Marine
Mammal Protection Act, and is defined as "a stranding that is unexpected,
involves a significant die-off of any marine mamal population, and
demands immediate response."
The end of the honeymoon does not mean that China and America are at
daggers drawn. A recent phone call between the presidents suggests
they are still prepared to work together on North Korea. But the
timing of America's China-riling moves was significant.
作者: naushtogo (醉禅)   2017-07-17 11:12:00
1. 字典定义 designation 可数时,表示“给定的正式名称,虽然 unusual mortality event 看起来是不怎么特殊(很令人怀疑),但上 NOAA 网站,它有定义 UMEChina-riling 看起来就是 rile China(惹恼中国)的复合形容词,把受词往前移,动词改成 Ving例如:a heart-breaking story
作者: wohtp (会喵喵叫的大叔)   2017-07-17 20:11:00
那句说的不就是,“嘿 UME 虽然听起来好像不知所谓,但是在法律上可是有定义的特殊词汇”整句就在讲它有定义/定义是什么,所以用得很适合啊
作者: naushtogo (醉禅)   2017-07-17 20:17:00
的确耶,只查 designation 的定义,就没看继续看下去了XD原来 and 后面有定义,我还到 NOAA 上看定义....
楼主: norge (Boston)   2017-07-19 00:54:00

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