[请益] 句中文意

楼主: norge (Boston)   2016-08-01 00:26:19
文章标题是 The psychic toll of nonstop tragedies
第二段中的 ambiguity intact 在这里是什么意思呢?
What are we supposed to do with al lthis? Every second day seems to bring
some fresh outrage, "happening now" on cable news and pinging onto our phones
before we've hand a chance to digest the last horror. An informed citizenry
begins to feel like Lucille Ball at that assembly line that keeps picking
up speed, except nobody's laughing: in the space of 12 days, Baton Rouge,
Falcon Heights... then Baton Rough again.
And still visible in the rearview mirror is Orlando, receding with its
ambiguity intact, yet somehow no longer confusing. A few weeks, plus a well
of feeling, made it possible to comprehend that a mass shooter, a homophobe
and a terrorist can exist in the same person, no matter what he calls himself.
作者: dunchee (---)   2016-08-01 02:02:00
你是有给两段文(拍手鼓励),但是有可能"ambiguity"在前文有另外写出来,所以你给的内容不算是足够。Time需要付费读这文章,我无法免费读,所以这让你自己从你的文章去找单独从你给的两段,一个可能性是指后头的"a homophobe ..a terrorist"。毕竟最开始的新闻报导是报他是terrorist(他自己在打911时有说),然后有人开始"挖"/报卦(所以到底是terrorist,还是homophobe?还是其它?-> ambiguity),然后一路发展/报挂/挖内幕/...下来,"现在"(所以开始的ambiguity 保留住了(intact))的结论"大致"是他是.....也是....("... and ...")(也所以说yet somehow no longerconfusing,毕竟这是"现在"普遍接受的说法)如果前文有另外说明,那么我前头讲的(可能)需要修正
楼主: norge (Boston)   2016-08-01 15:00:00
谢谢dunchee大!! 这两段文是文章前两段囉 已经没有再前文了
作者: yoson (yoson)   2016-08-02 08:49:00
不逐字翻的大意应该是类似--Orlando 事件已渐渐远离,当我们在往前行驶的车上用后照镜观察整件事,(想像在后照镜中)渐次后退、细节不在清晰的事件全貌,blablabla...不*再
楼主: norge (Boston)   2016-08-03 14:52:00

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