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楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-02 23:29:40
阅读时间3分钟 然后再回答问题
Bernanke: UK's austerity in breach of human rights
The former head of the Fed said that UK's austerity measures are
in breach of human right, leading to possible market pessimism.
After several days of market pessimism, a few reflections on last week's
momentous vote in Great Britain shocked the entire Continental Europe.
Even more obvious now than before, the biggest losers will be British
themselves. Global economists could expect that an economic prosperity
is unlikely to take place in several years, with tremendous uncertainty
and a significant slowdown on UK's growth exacerbated by falling asset
values (houses, commercial real estate stocks).
As the former head of the US Federal Reserve (Fed) during the Great
Recession from 2006 to 2014, Ben Bernanke, the most influential
central banker of our age, is one of the rare people to emerge from the
financial crisis with their reputation enhanced. The chairman helped
prevent a recession from spreading worldwide through policies such as
low interest rates and quantitative easing (QE). But not everyone
appreciated his efforts. Politicians in the west partly blamed him
for his inadequate policies, which brought the whole Eurozone into
a deeper economic turmoil. Instead, Ben Bernanke quickly responded to
the criticisms that the austerity in most industrialized countries such as
the US, UK, Eurozone, limited the effectiveness of monetary stimulus.
The governments in the Eurozone were too obsessed with austerity
(spending cut, tax rise) and consequences will soon emerge shortly after
the UK left the EU.
Economically speaking, the Brexit shock is being spreading mostly
through financial markets, as investors sell off risky assets like stock
and flock to supposed-safe havens like the dollar and the sovereign debt
of the U.S. Among the hardest hit countries is Japan, whose battle against
deflation could deteriorate as the yen depressed since 2013.
1. What is this report mainly about?
2. Who’s Ben Bernanke?
Why does he said the austerity measures weren’t good?
3. What does it mean by the term “austerity”?
4. What does it mean by the term “market pessimism”?
5. Why did the author mention sovereign debt of the US?
6. 用中文口头翻译本文
在三分钟内看懂这篇文章 然后口头回答问题 不能查字典
需要什么技巧和多好的程度? 外文系学生?
看到后面忘了前面 感觉组织力和记性很差 还有时间压力
只会选择题 问答题会当机
某些单字不懂 不熟 或找不到适当意思套用 影响句意判读和速度
很难用适当中文即时口译文章 因为有些句子很长 和中英文差异 倒不回来
第一题是脱欧造成的影响吗? 人权跟内文好像没啥关系…
第五题是因为觉得买sovereign debt比较安全吗?
时间太赶 没记答案
作者: gcgaryyoyo (欧!)   2016-07-02 23:40:00
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-02 23:50:00
可以找答案 但已经先叫你了 大家在等你 会紧张~每题都是随机叫人回答 答不出来 就是等你
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-02 23:53:00
作者: vicario837 (维嘉里欧)   2016-07-02 23:56:00
如果可以先看题目再看文章会简单很多 可以抓重点
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-02 23:56:00
英文新闻的最重要讯息都在第一句话了. 真的很简单..
作者: vicario837 (维嘉里欧)   2016-07-02 23:57:00
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-02 23:59:00
老师是趁我们阅读时才写题目在黑板 想问n大的程度多好?
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-03 00:05:00
第一题怎么会回答脱欧? 标题都没看吗.....
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 00:08:00
那答案是什么? 我说austerity对财经的影响 老师说不对
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-03 00:11:00
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 00:14:00
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-03 00:14:00
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 00:18:00
那不能回答脱欧或樽节对财经造成影响吗?老师时间到点我 还不时叫我翻译 整个慌乱啊~这种难度适合怎样程度的人上 才不会觉得太挫折?
作者: kaifrankwind (大师兄)   2016-07-03 00:36:00
文章原文标题就是Economic implications of Brexit确实是放在脱欧脉络下谈的啊没在现场看很难知道到底问题出在谁身上 不过你真的很不开心的话那就别上了啊...
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-03 00:44:00
回楼上: 你在哪看到的标题?我看到的标题是UK's austerity in breach of human rights重心显然是围绕在austerity, Brexit只是陪衬
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 00:55:00
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-03 01:00:00
你有每天看英文新闻的习惯吗? 这篇文章其实很基本..
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 01:06:00
我只有看杂志 但不曾3分钟看完一篇n大 如果你是接近多益或托福满分 我会觉得我满正常的~
作者: kaifrankwind (大师兄)   2016-07-03 01:30:00
just google "Economic implications of Brexit"it's from Bernanke's blog. One funny thing is,it seems to be UN that declares UK's austerityin breach of human rights...
作者: kee32 (终于毕业了)   2016-07-03 01:37:00
作者: kaifrankwind (大师兄)   2016-07-03 01:43:00
我收回文章原文标题这句话 我现在觉得原PO这篇是东拼西凑 不知道打哪生出来的
作者: ewayne (ec)   2016-07-03 03:26:00
作者: softseaweed (Gladys von Wackenheim)   2016-07-03 07:08:00
"why does he said..." ??????
作者: vicario837 (维嘉里欧)   2016-07-03 08:49:00
我不觉得简单啊 我连austerity什么意思都不知道(爆)
作者: bbbtri (cycling)   2016-07-03 09:33:00
如果你知道feb也知道英国多重视HR, 内文可以只扫一下第五题你算是说对了 风险较低
作者: kee32 (终于毕业了)   2016-07-03 09:47:00
作者: kaifrankwind (大师兄)   2016-07-03 11:18:00
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 11:42:00
没有that 有that的话就没动词了
作者: Yahweh (Y a h w e h)   2016-07-03 15:06:00
作者: noruas (酪乳)   2016-07-03 17:10:00
个人建议: 1.关键字必须注释. 像austerity,如果不懂,怎么回答得出问题? 2.新闻(尤其财经)不宜当作即席练习学生什么概念都没有,讲得出话来吗?我大学时教授是用给成年人看的小故事,内容跟生活相关,也方便大家发表意见. 故事主题如婚外情,过劳死,拜金女等重点是要能够激起说话的兴致.
楼主: blue5566 (不专业乐评)   2016-07-03 17:34:00
老师是说 不会的字都要能依照前后文推出来
作者: abc522866 (SUSU)   2016-07-03 19:46:00
我觉得难度比我们的杂志再简单一点点(Advanced <-我看不懂QQ
作者: allenh0728 (allen)   2016-07-04 15:40:00
不会的字都要可以看前后判断出来。。。 那我给他一篇都是术语的论文呢? 很多时候不是看前后就都可以知道字的意思 可以这样就不需要字典跟百科全书了

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