softseaweed (Gladys von Wackenheim)
2016-02-25 20:50:08翻译时跳脱跟原文1:1的翻法是个很好的思考模式,可以多想想
※ 引述《RevanKai (GLAV)》之铭言:
: 大家好,我写了一个词想翻成英文的
: 但是自己本身不是英文相关科系,英文也不是到很强
: 想说不知道能不能来这边问问看,自己中翻英有没有哪里翻错的地方~
: Hunger and toil darken my sight cruelly
: 饥饿与劳苦黯淡了视线
Hunger and toil darkened my sight
: Utopia tell a lie,we will get blessed but…
: 乌托邦的幸福,终究是个谎言(背叛)
The bliss of Utopia is a lie at its core
: Don’t you see the thin and weak die on the road?
: 你曾看到那虚弱的人们死在路旁?
Have you seen the fragile lie breathless on the road?
: How many people get killed by injustice?
: 有多少平民含冤而死?
How many have died through injustice?
: False and exaggerating ideal(future) has been broken
: 虚假的言语和夸大的理想已经破灭
False words and bloated ideals undone
: Why should I keep on believing your word?
: 叫我该如何继续相信你说的?
How would you have my faith?
: Family have been no smile anymore
: 家人已经不再露出笑容过
The family lost their smiles
: Friends frowned and no longer expect morn.
: 朋友们也不再期待明天
and the friends lost their hopes
: Can I see the next sunshine when I wake up tomorrow?
: 我还可以见到朝阳在我醒来的隔天吗?
Can I wake to the dawn next day?
: If only all of these just a nightmare.
: 但愿一切都只是个噩梦
If only it were a nightmare
: Twilight has risen.The determine of awake from incubus is
: 暮光已经升起,从恶梦中醒来的决心是
Twilight shone, and the end of nightmare marked a resolution
: “Never being fear authority”
: 不再畏惧任何权势
Fear the authority no more
: We will cultivate frail happiness by ourselves
: 幼小(孱弱)的幸福,我们将自力悉心栽培
The frail happiness we shall nurture ourselves
: Without consign anyone
: 部在假手任何人
consigning to no others
: Era of deceive has been end
: 欺骗的时代已经结束
The era of deception has ended
: Dark finally will perish.
: 邪恶的势力终将灭亡
The dark will perish
: 请多多指教:D