[文法] 一本书的开头 感谢 有部分句子看不懂

楼主: ofd168 (大色狼来袭)   2014-07-24 00:47:04
刚好在acknowledgment部分 有看些文法看不太懂
1. I find myself in need of thanking my wonderful agent, and equally editor.
这边 如果把 myself改成me 改成受词 是可以的吗?
2. The man, who did this map work for this novel, was an invaluable resource
both in the idea department and with visual cues.
这句话不太懂, 从文法上来看 who那句修饰the man
所以主句就 The man was an invaluable resource both in the idea
department and with visual cues.
可是这样翻就很奇怪 invaluable resource 因该是指 map work才对
作者: Imbufo ( )   2014-07-24 03:26:00
1. 不行,因为主受词相同2. 这句话是描述这个男人的珍贵性
作者: vicario837 (维嘉里欧)   2014-07-24 15:39:00
invaluable resource 指的是人啊

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