[考试] 关于实质准备与准备率

楼主: llljef (哈囉 ! 我叫大头龙)   2014-02-07 23:38:39
来源: ( 102 年度研究所考)
科目:If a bank uses one hundred dollar of reserve to make a new loan
when the reserve ratio is 20 percent,
(A)the level of wealth in the economy will no change
(B)the money supply initially decrease 100
(C)the money supply initially increase by 20
(D)the money supply will eventually increase by more than 20 but less
than 100
问题:这里指的 the level of wealth 是什么啊?
这里把 RESERVE 借贷出去 对于 M1 , H的影响分别是???
我的想法: H不变 M1增加吗??
楼主: llljef (哈囉 ! 我叫大头龙)   2014-02-07 23:39:00
忘了说 这题是 102年高雄金管的经济题目 谢谢!!
作者: translating (翻译中)   2014-02-08 17:00:00
作者: ying1230 (ying1230)   2014-02-08 23:27:00
不就100x1/0.2=500 Ms(M1)和银行负债都增加500总体的财富水准不变吗

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