slavis (囧)
2018-09-20 15:30:17发现用推文的太长了打太久,干脆直接回文
小弟是在澳洲飞行,我们机场是属于non-controlled aerodrome,
※ 引述《JackChung (小钟钟)》之铭言:
今天在一个无塔台机场 (nontowered airport) 做五边飞行 (traffic pattern)
正当开始进入第四边 (base) 在 CTAF 上告知完毕后, 突然在 CTAF 上出现
另一架飞机宣告用 RNAV 进场且只剩 2浬. 此时应该是谁该让谁呢?
根据澳洲民航法CAR 166B: Carrying out a straight-in approach
(1) The pilot in command of an aircraft commits an offence if:
(a) the pilot carries out a stright-in approach to land at a non-controlled
aerodrome; and
(b) the pilot engages in conduct; and
(c) the conduct results in the contravention of a rule set out in subregula-
tion (2).
(2) The rule are the following:
(a) before starting the approach, the pilot must determine:
(i) the wind direction at the aerodrome.
(ii) the runways in use at the aerodrome.
(b) the pilot must give way to any other aircraft flying in the circuit
pattern for the aerodrome;
(c) subject to subregulation (3), the pilot must carry out all manoeuvring,
to establish the aircraft on final approach, at least 3 miles from the
threshold of the runway that the pilot intends to use for landing.
(3) The rule in paragraph (2)(c) does not apply to the pilot if he or she is
carrying out the approach:
(a) using an instument approach procedure; and
(d) in IMC.
(4) An offence against subregulation(1) in relation to paragraph (2)(a) or (b)
is an offence of strict liability.
另外AIP Australia中ENR 1.1 A pilot should include the intention to conduct a straight-in
approach with the inbound broadcast. Further broadcasts of intention
on the CTAF by 3NM from the runway threshold should be made. Pilots of aircraft conducting a straight-in approach at a
non-controlled aerodrome should observe the following procedures:
d. An aircraft established on base leg or final approach for any
runway has priority over an aircraft carrying out a straight in
所以在Base的飞机是有优先权的,另外要执行straight-in approach的话必须在
inbound broadcast(通常是5nm or 10nm, 看飞机速度)就必须表明他要做straight-in,
另外飞机在3nm final也必须在CTAF上broadcast
(2) The pilot must make a broadcast that includes the following i
根据 14 CFR 91.113 (g) 似乎是高度较低者有优先权. 但是实务上根本没时间
顾及对方的高度(我的飞机还没装ADS-B in). 我是选择立刻节流阀全开左转
重新爬升回到第三边 (downwind) 后保持平飞同时在 CTAF 上告知, 等到该飞
机越过我左侧后再重新继续后续的降落程序. 想请问有更安全的处理方式
1. Full throttle and climb, go around.
2. Broadcast intention.
主要是你没有visual contact, 先爬升高度到超过circuit height for seperation
后加入non-active side去找对方,然后再重新加入crosswind降落。
第二如果你后方(early or mid downwind)也有飞机的话也会让你和后方的隔离缩短
3. 在non-active side后重新加入crosswind.
刚刚顺便看了一下 推 ahpc82: See AC 90-66B 9.5 中提到的
9.5 Straight-In Landings. The FAA encourages pilots to use the standard
traffic pattern when arriving or departing a non-towered airport or a
part-time-towered airport when the control tower is not operating,
particularly when other traffic is observed or when operating from an
unfamiliar airport. However, there are occasions where a pilot can
choose to execute a straight-in approach for landing when not intending to
enter the traffic pattern, such as a visual approach executed as part of the
termination of an instrument approach. Pilots should clearly communicate on
the CTAF and coordinate maneuvering for and execution of the landing with
other traffic so as not to disrupt the flow of other aircraft.
Therefore, pilots operating in the traffic pattern should be alert at all
times to aircraft executing straight-in landings, particularly when
flying a base leg prior to turning final.
10.1 Recommended Traffic Advisory Practices. All traffic within a 10-mile
radius of a non-towered airport or a part-time-towered airport when the
control tower is not operating should continuously monitor and communicate,
as appropriate, on the designated CTAF until leaving the area or until clear
of the movement area.
After first monitoring the frequency for other traffic present passing
within 10 miles from the airport, self-announcing of your position and
intentions should occur between 8 and 10 miles from the airport upon arrival.
Departing aircraft should continuously monitor/communicate on the appropriate
frequency from startup, during taxi, and until 10 miles from the airport,
unless 14 CFR or local procedures require otherwise.