[必]我已经读过且了解置底版规、费率、发文必读公告,并愿意遵守规定: YES
[必]工 作 量: 四百多将近五百字
[必]工作报酬: 英文计价,一字2元,未满五百字以1000元计算
[必]涉及语言: 英译中
[必]所属领域: 公司宣传文件
[必]文件类型: 书信
[必]截 稿 日: 11/5 上午九点
[必]应征期限: 11/4 下午四点
[必]联络方式: 站内信,之后可用赖讨论
[必]付费方式: 交稿后付款
[选]工作要求: 用字精准,中文表达流畅。
[选]试 译 文:
The board of directors will oversee the process to choose Jonathan’s
successor and has hired the Management Assistance Group (MAG) to assist with
the transition. The MAG team will support TSNE’s Transition Committee in
developing the CEO job description, will conduct an organizational
assessment, meet with external stakeholders and help the board develop the
next step plan, including the hiring of the executive firm to conduct the
national CEO search.