自2018年起,ETS将TOEFL的Taiwan全部改成Taiwan, China。今天要报名时看了很不爽。
e,几乎没有一间大学的online application把Taiwan放在China底下。
Dear xxxx,
I am very interested in applying to your xxxx program. I am aware that your pr
ogram strictly requires international students to submit TOEFL ibt scores.
I am writing, however, to urge you to accept xxxx score as an alternative to E
TS's TOEFL score, in order to fulfill xxxx's commitment to justice and diversi
ty. This is NOT another uncooperative request from a self-entitled applicant.
Please listen to what I have to say.
ETS, the administrator of TOEFL, disrespects my country, Taiwan, and refuses t
o represent my nationality correctly despite more than two years of constant r
equests from the people of Taiwan. Starting from 2018, ETS began to misleading
ly put Taiwan under China in their application and test report forms, a seriou
s misrepresentation of our nationality that may result in misjudgement of our
applications and wrongful delivery of our score reports. I refuse to shell out
money to an institute that misrepresents my nationality.
I believe that the University of xxxx is deeply committed to justice, rights,
and diversity. In line with this commitment, I urge you to accept my xxxx scor
e as proof of my English proficiency, since ETS has become an institute that m
isrepresents its test takers and disregards their rights. If necessary,
I am more than happy to fly to your institute and sit an English proficiency t
est administered by xxxx which I regard as a fair and just institute.
I know that this request is more than likely to be declined, but I still want
to make my points heard. In a world where injustices abound, we all have the o
bligation to speak out and support each other. In light of what happened
recently in the US, I believe you understand my frustration and indignation. I
can't breathe under ETS.
Kind regards,
我原本写IELTS,因为我记得自己考IELTS的时候尚未被Taiwan, China。