[新闻] 新西兰将为免疫低下者提供第三剂疫苗

楼主: skbb2553 (HS)   2021-10-22 10:10:01
Third primary dose of COVID-19 vaccine available for severely
发稿时间:22 October 2021
撰 稿 者:同发稿单位
稍微看了一下英国政府的新闻稿说明( https://bit.ly/30J8JQ5 )
没搞错的话这边的primary是指primary schedule of COVID-19 vaccination
(以两剂型疫苗像是辉瑞 是第一剂→间隔→第二剂→第14天完成)
(针对免疫力不太行的人 会变成第一剂→间隔→第二剂→间隔→第三剂→第14天完成)
跟因为时间拉长导致体内抗体量下降而要补打的Booster dose概念不太一样
A third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine that has been recommended for severely
immunocompromised individuals aged 12 and older is now available to be
accessed, says National Director COVID-19 Vaccination and Immunisation
Programme Jo Gibbs.
“Individuals who are severely immunocompromised are at a higher risk of
severe outcomes from COVID-19 and might not produce a sufficiently strong
immune response after two doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. A third
primary dose may be beneficial and can be administered at least eight weeks
after the second dose,” says Ms Gibbs.
“The eligibility criteria to access a third primary dose is complex and
applies to only the group of people who are severely immunocompromised.
“Individuals who meet the eligibility criteria will need to be prescribed a
third dose by their GP or other specialist and present the script when
accessing the third primary dose.”
Ms Gibbs says the COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) carefully
considered a number of studies in order to make this recommendation for this
group. The Ministry of Health has published the eligibility requirements that
must be met to qualify for a third primary dose.
“Providing an optional third primary dose to individuals with severe
immunosuppression will help protect our most vulnerable against severe
disease and hospitalisation if they were to contract COVID-19.
“Everyone aged 12 and older who is a household or close contact of someone
who is immunocompromised is strongly encouraged to receive two doses of the
Pfizer vaccine. This will help provide indirect protection to the most
vulnerable people in our communities.”
A third primary dose is different to a booster dose for the general
population. Booster vaccines for the general population are not yet available
under the current immunisation programme.
“The COVID-19 Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) is constantly reviewing the
emerging research on booster vaccines, and a recommendation on whether a
booster should be offered will be made in the coming months. Cabinet will
make a final decision on whether the general public will be able to access a
booster vaccine, following Medsafe’s assessment once it receives additional
data from Pfizer,” says Ms Gibbs.
Details of access to a third dose for this group of individuals:

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