叙述一个没有被任何大学录取的高中生Bartleby Gaines(Justin Long饰演),
在父母期许的压力下,伪造出杜撰的录取通知,跟一所不存在的大学(South Harmon
Institute of Technology, 简称SHIT),之后为了更进一步取信父母,找高中同学
就在一切渐渐上轨道的时候,这一切谎言被邻近的Harmon College不爽他们的人
听证会的转折类似心灵点滴(Patch Adams)同样桥段的部分[注],很令人振奋。
《Patch Adams》
Everyone who comes to the ranch is a patient, yes.
And every person who comes to the ranch is also a doctor.
In South Harmon, students are the teachers...
《Patch Adams》
Chairman of the board:
Hunter Adams.
We find your methods less than appealing.
Your appearance and your demeanor do not reflect...
what we believe is necessary...to earn a patient's trust and respect.
You openly accuse us of adhering to time-honored practices...
that for years have been the backbone of the entire medical institution.
we find no fault in your attempts...
to improve the quality of life around you.
We find no fault in your desire...
to expand upon existing medical practices...and theories.
We applaud your love of the patient.
Your grades are among the highest in your class...
and, therefore, we find no merit in the decision...
to block your graduation from medical school.
Now, along with your crass and disdainful behavior...
you carry with you a flame...
which one could only hope...
would spread through the medical profession like a brushfire.
And, uh, Dean Walcott...
in the future, I think matters like this...
could best be solved if you yourself would practice a little...
"excessive happiness."
Chairman of the board:
Mr. Gaines...
Your presentation was unorthodox to say the least, and your methodology is
questionable at best.
However the tru purposes of education is to stimulate the creativity and the
passion of the student body, and in that regard you have certainly suceeded.
This board does not reject innovation, but it must be watched carefully.
Therefor, the South Harmon Institute of Technology will be granted for an
one year probation area period in which to continue its experimental programs.
Don't be so quick to judge us by the way we look.(blink)