china2025 (china2025)
2018-02-21 20:21:47我附上原文的出处
Improve your Chess with Tactics Training
"Chess is 99 percent tactics." - Teichmann
As a developing scholastic chess player, I was always fascinated
with opening theory. If I could just learn the right line against
the exchange Ruy Lopez or memorize just a few moves more of Grunfeld
theory, I would reach 2000 USCF. My view was not unique, and it
never ceases to amaze me how much beginning chess players spend on
opening books. Chess trainers, who see many beginner games, know
this is a waste of money. Some have suggested that a player has no
need to study openings below the expert level. My view is even more
radical. Buying and even occasionally reading opening books may be
fun, but unless you're approaching 2200 fide, your time is better
spent studying tactics.