noahred (noah)
2019-02-26 14:53:31https://i.imgur.com/SnXaM7E.jpg
“候鸟”-小说分享会─瑞瓦.潘皮帕//Birds on a Wire-Interactive Evening wit
h Rewat Panpipat and His Writing Desk
泰国诗人瑞瓦.潘皮帕 (Rewat PANPIPAT) 朗读一段诗词,届时他将在3.27(三)分享会,
● 日期/2.27(三)
● 时间/18:30-21:00
● 地点/宝藏岩,山城排练场 (上)
● 艺术家/瑞瓦.潘皮帕
● 立刻报名/https://goo.gl/forms/v2YlTeEpuyuse2452
● 备注/
1. 讲座将以英文及泰文进行
2. 欢迎携带一张明信片
The Thai poet Rewat PANPIPAT read a poem, and he is going to talk about the ex
perience of writing the novel of Birds on a Wire at 3.27 (Wed).
● Date/2.27(Wed.)
● Venue/Treasure Hill, Atelier (Upper)
● Artists/Rewat PANPIPAT
● Sign up now/https://goo.gl/forms/v2YlTeEpuyuse2452
● Notes/
1. The talk will be conducted in English and Thai.
2. Please feel free to bring your own postcard.
The novel "Birds on a Wire” uses ‘migratory birds’ to symbolize the present
-day migration of people. A flock of migratory birds flies to escape winter fr
om Taiwan to Thailand while another flock flies away from poverty from Thailan
d to Taiwan in all seasons for gold-digging or better jobs. The status of the
latter flock is not as stable (like sitting on a wire). The writer will show t
he desk on which this novel is written.
瑞瓦.潘皮帕于 1966 年生于曼谷北方的务农人家,家里种植稻米和甘蔗。他认为自己是
近 20 本文学作品,包含小说、短篇故事集和诗集,且已获得超过 10 项国家级奖项的肯
Rewat Panpipat was born in 1966 in a family growing rice and sugarcane in Suph
an Buri Province, north of Bangkok. He often defines himself as a sentimentali
st who loves to observe the world and ‘go inside’ himself. So far he has pub
lished about 20 literary works including novels, collections of short stories
and poems, which have earned him more than 10 national awards. Several of Rewa
t’s poems have been translated into English, Vietnamese, Chinese and Malay, a
nd some of his short stories into English. Recently he has been invited as the
only Thai guest poet by Taiwanese INK Literary Company in association with th
e Taiwanese Ministry of Culture and Qi-Dong Poetry Salon to join its Asian Poe
try Festival in October 2017.