2022-12-11 20:56:11※ 引述《pupunin (pupunin)》之铭言:
: 回到 FTC 的原件是
: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/ftc_gov/pdf/D09412Microsoft
: ActivisionAdministrativeComplaintPublicVersionFinal.pdf
: 对应到 EU 文件中的内容是
: Therefore, according to the Notifying Party, Microsoft would not
: have the incentive to cease or limit making ZeniMax games available
: for purchase on rival consoles
: FTC 本身的说法是
: 在第 20 页 114 及 115 项
: Moreover, Microsoft’s past conduct is telling. Despite statements by
: Microsoft to European regulators disavowing the incentive to make ZeniMax
: content exclusive post-close, after the EC cleared the transaction,
: Microsoft plans for three of the newly acquired titles to
: become exclusive to Microsoft’s Xbox consoles and Xbox Game Pass
: subscription services. For example, although previous titles in
: ZeniMax’s franchise were released on PlayStation, Microsoft has
: confirmed that the upcoming will be available only on Xbox consoles,
: Windows PCs, and Xbox Game Pass subscription services.
: Microsoft has also stated that Starfield and Redfall, two of the highly
: anticipated new games in development at the time of Microsoft’s purchase
: of ZeniMax, will also become Xbox console and Xbox Game Pass
: exclusives upon release. Microsoft’s previous representations to the
: EC about its incentives after its purchase of ZeniMax were not borne out
: by Microsoft’s own post-merger behavior. Instead, Microsoft put its true
: post-merger incentives on full display when it decided to deny rivals its
: newly acquired future releases and thwart consumers who would choose to play
: them on a competing product.
: 一开始 FTC 说到 MS 对于 EU 的回应就说了
: Despite statements by Microsoft to European regulators disavowing the
: incentive to make ZeniMax content exclusive post-close
: 其实 FTC 没有说到 MS 有跟 EU 做出不独占的 commitments。而是说 MS 对
: EU 的声明中表示 MS 否认独占的行为对 MS 是有 incentive 的。
: 可以说是 MS 在回应 EU 时做出了这样的声明,但并不是 commitments
: 因为 commitment 有其对价的关系。MS 这样的 statement 并不是 agreement
: 自然不具有任何的约束力。所以 MS 并没有跟 EU 在不独占这部分有过任何的承诺。
: 这对应到 FTC 的原文中并没有冲突。因为 FTC 并没有说到 MS 对于 EU 有
: 过 Commitment。EU 是无条件通过 MS 对于 ZeniMax 的并购案的。所以自然不
: 会有过 Commitment。我想他们应该不会犯下不清楚当时这个并购案是无条件
: 通过这样很基本的错误。任何一个并购案是否有 remedies 都会是很直接且清楚的。
: 至于有提到 MS Commitment 的部分是 FTC 在其后表示
: Microsoft’s past behavior should also cast more suspicion on its non-binding
: public commitments to keep Call of Duty available on PlayStation consoles
: through the end of Activision’s existing agreement with Sony
: MS 过去的行动,使他们在这次并案做出的公开承诺效力会受到质疑。
: FTC 全文中只有提到这一次 Commitment,很容易就可以查到。
: 因为我没有 EU 回应的整份文件,而且我也不想要去该网站注册试用。
: 只能从目前能看到的部分来尝试理解这部分。而从最初的几段文字来看
: 我想 EU 是在回应对于 MS 并购 Zenimax 是否有着附加条件这一点,而答案
: 很显然的是"没有"。因为并购 Zenimax 并不构成垄断,而且 EU 在做出这样
: 的判断时并没有依据任何 MS 做出的声明。因为这是一个明显的事实。
FTC :微软很会骗 之前买Zenimax的时候还把EUC唬得一愣一愣的
EUC :FTC你才被唬得一愣一愣 你全家都被唬得一愣一愣