※ 引述《tsubasawolfy (悠久の翼)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《siriya (Eric)》之铭言:
: : Warlock
: : General (一般)
: : Corruption now deals 12% more damage. (腐蚀术+12%伤害)
: : Shadow Bolt now deals 25% less damage.(暗影箭-25%伤害)
: : Affliction (痛苦)
: : Agony now deals 12% more damage. (痛苦诅咒+12%伤害)
: : Unstable Affliction now deals 12% more damage. (痛苦动荡+12%伤害)
: : Demonology(恶魔)
: : Mastery: Master Demonologist has decreased in effectiveness by 4%.
: : (精通效果降4%)
: : Chaos Wave now deals 25% less damage. (混沌波-25%伤害)
: : Doom now deals 25% less damage. (末日-25%伤害)
: : Hand of Gul’dan now deals 25% less damage. (古手-25%伤害)
: : Soul Fire now deals 25% less damage. (魂火-25%伤害)
: : Touch of Chaos now deals 25% less damage. (触-25%伤害)
: : 大术士完美无瑕
We've decided to remove the Demonology talent specialization from the game
and further considerating to remove Warlock from the game.
干你妈的BZ先砍恶魔箭砍到残废 现在直接恶魔术所有伤害砍25% 连命脉精通都砍
兽王猎现在这么凶还可以buff 干? 就是他妈的之前痛苦毁灭太烂才玩恶魔 6.1buff