In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they
spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic
problems, which of the following areas should it spend less money on?
(A) -Libraries
(B) -Public transportation
(C) -Police
★★★记住,你选择(A)的理由,就是你不选(B) (C) 的理由。
会影响的人数比较少。言下之意是说,预算删减在 Public Transportation (B) or on
Police force (C) 将会影响到很多人。这就是说,你选择A的原因,就是你不选择BC的原因
在Public Transportation(B)使交通方便或者是花钱在Police Force(C)藉以维持治安,都
因此,政府应该cut budget on Libraries(A)。
※ 引述《Beattoefl (送佛计画)》之铭言:
: 这周六/日要考托福的同学们,辛苦了!!
: 有没有很后悔选错日子,大家在热血沸腾准备决定台湾未来四年要由谁带领,
: 你在Agree or Disagree…../Describe the city you live in...
: 其实,专心点啦!
: 先认真考试,再投票!
: 请看下面这一题独立写作题目
: In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money
: they spend in some areas.
: In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems,
: which of the following areas should it spend less money on?
: A. Libraries
: B. Public transportation
: C. Police
: 送佛节录了27分的高分范文来给大家一些灵感
: In times of economic crisis, local governments should manage public
: expenditures more efficiently. Local government administrators must
: prioritize spending to get through the difficult times. In my opinion,
: local governments should spend less money on libraries if they are facing
: a recession with a limited budget.
: To begin with, in an economic downturn, a local government cutting public
: funding will only affect a few library users. This is because, with the
: available advanced technologies of today, most physical libraries have been
: replaced by Internet search engines; library usage has declined in recent
: years. For example, my hometown of Taipei decided to reduce public library
: funding during the 2008 financial crisis. Faced with financial shortages,
: officials were determined to minimize the impact on citizens’ daily lives.
: Infact, with the advent of the Internet, Taipei had already been
: promoting digital library resources and encouraging people to learn how to
: perform effective online searching over the past decades. Until 2008,
: a majority of people were already used to taking advantage of online resources
: instead of libraries. As a result, when Taipei decided to trim library funds,
: only a few users were affected. On the other hand, officials had to increase
: police force budgets to deal with the increasing crime rate caused
: by severe levels of unemployment during the financial crisis.
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