jeff52 (Jeff)
2021-12-14 21:00:24原文标题:
Omicron 'poses a real threat', says Moderna chief
2021/12/14 20:10
In the UK, Dr Paul Burton, chief medical officer at Moderna, has been speaking
to MPs on the Commons science and technology committee.
Burton said he expects data in the coming days to show how well the Moderna bo
oster improves protection against the Omicron variant.
He cautioned against claims, largely from South Africa, that the variant is ca
using milder disease, and warned that Omicron and Delta are likely to circulat
e together for some time.
“I do not think Omicron is a milder, less severe version of the current virus
,” he told the committee. (我不认为Omicron会造成比较轻微的疾病)
He added:
The idea it will push Delta out of the way and take over may occur in the futu
re, but I think in the coming months these two viruses are going to co-exist,
and Omicron, which I would maintain is actually a severe disease, will now inf
ect people on a background of very, very strong Delta pressure.(我认为Omicron
It will also lead to a situation where individuals will become co-infected…wh
ich gives the opportunity for this virus to further evolve and mutate which is
a concerning and worrying situation.
We certainly don’t have to panic, we have many many tools at our disposal, we
’ve learnt so much about this virus over the last two years, and we can conti
nue to fight it, but I think Omicron poses a real threat.
When you look at the data in SA about 15% of people who are hospitalised are i
n the intensive care unit, and while there’s variability, if you look back ea
rlier in the year, at a time of delta surge in August, those numbers are about
the same, 15%.(目前在南非,有15%的住院病人在加护病房,这个数字与8月Delta盛行
So while the mortality rate we are seeing right now is mercifully lower, I thi
nk as a disease it is a very fit virus and it’s severe.
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