sayakaa (小V)
2021-09-06 17:58:56※ [本文转录自 Tech_Job 看板 #1X6ZYPjN ]
作者: dolinian (杜丽娘) 看板: Tech_Job
标题: [征才] Deep Sentinel 招募 Full Stack Engineer
时间: Mon Aug 16 18:06:14 2021
Deep Sentinel
台北市大安区忠孝东路 4 段 289 号 11 楼
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Deep Sentinel was founded by Dave Selinger in California, USA in
2016. The founder has a wealth of entrepreneurial experience,
including companies with successful IPOs. The company currently
has approximately 40 people, with its headquarters in California,
and engineering teams in the United States and Taiwan.
Deep Sentinel is a startup company that provides security services,
combining AI computing and remote security real-time monitoring to
actively deter threats. Currently offers 2 products/services:
1. Webcam with AI image recognition:
It is mainly provided to general consumer households. Combined with
the mobile APP, users can receive events. For example, when a stranger
enters the user's private territory, the webcam will immediately notify
the user through the APP.
2. Subscription-based remote security service:
After the user subscribes and pays, Deep Sentinel's remote security
will assist the user to deal with any incident 24 hours a day.
For example, when a thief attempts to break through the door in the
middle of the night, our remote security will call the police immediately,
effectively reducing the loss of life and property.
1. Full Stack Engineer 年薪 1.44k - 2.4k 台币
[工作内容 / 应征条件]
‧Developing and Troubleshooting backend and frontend features
‧Improving the performance of components
(database, code/algorithms)
‧Maintaining a high-bar for quality using test-driven development
‧Participating in code review, design review, story estimation,
and prioritization processes
‧Collaborating with other teams: hub/embedded software developers,
hardware engineers, data scientists to polish the existing
functionality and build new features
‧1+ years of experience in Software Development, or have
significant open-source contributions in related fields
‧Full stack experience (Python, React.js, SQL)
‧Experienced Python backend development with at least one backend
framework (ex. Flask, Django, etc)
‧Experienced React frontend develoment or experienced in one of
the following SPA framework (Vue, Angular)
‧A good team worker and have excellent English communication
‧The Start-Up mentality
【Other great features】
‧Familiar with Containerization and Kubernetes
‧Familiar with WebRTC protocol
‧Distributed systems experience
(MQTT, Redis, Memcached, Kafka, ActiveMQ, VerneMQ)
‧Familiar with network architecture and protocol
(e.g.: TCP, UDP, HTTP, WebSocket)