As part of our ongoing SimCity development, this thread highlights our current focus. As well as items listed here we are continually looking at all feedback and issues reported and working on resolving them. Note: These items are in development and do not necessarily reflect content of any particular update. (也就是下列预备更动方案仅供参考,不一定会成真) MegaTower: Residents within a MegaTower will complain they can not find work even if there is work then abandon the tower 超级巨塔居民找不到工作闪人 Maglev: Investigating reports that Maglevs get stuck within a city 磁浮车塞车问题 MegaTower: Commercial levels complain that they require shoppers whilst Residential levels request more shops 巨塔商场层找不到顾客,住户找不到店家 Education: Investigating education enrollment levels dropping when using MegaTowers 盖塔后教育程度下降 Performance: Investigating miscellaneous performance improvements on PC and Mac 提升游戏运作效能 Offline: Exploring the option of Offline Mode - 探索离线模式的可能. ↑令人失望的老话,大地图无望