dosandonts (Catalano is A+)
2016-03-01 18:18:57※ [本文转录自 Wanted 看板 #1MrMnqDo ]
作者: dosandonts (影子) 看板: Wanted
标题: [问题] Career Question (English)
时间: Tue Mar 1 18:18:25 2016
Good day!
Hope you're well.
May I ask you a question?
Should I just go ahead for the diploma of college in law neglecting
my mother's will(she is against my studying in college)?
Actually the reason why I can get the current job vacancy is due to
my studying in college at night as a second diploma.
However, now I owe my best friend(an ex) twenty thousand NT dollars and
my salary is just able to aford to pay him and pay my living expenses.
Besides, my mother and doctor say that I should drop out immediately.
If I drop out now, my current job is going to be lost.
I consider two sides.
One is my best friend(one of my ex) who is not rich and waiting for my payment.
The other is that my mother and my doctor hope me to stop in college pursuing.
The result will be that I lose my job which is not my interest job
because I don't like to sell stationery.
My current job is to sell stationery, so I am hoping to lose it.
How should I do?
trtr112 (pk)
2016-03-01 18:55:00Let's welcome "middle-aged" sister who is stillasking the same quesiton as before, though this timein English.By the way, this sister said she was hire by aJapanese cosmetic company before Chinese New Year,but why now this sister goes to sell "stationery"?Why????? Why???, Ho, yes, middle aged sister cyclinglife model.. right?Let's wait for the next episode!