我昨天没接到华硕打来的电话。结果信箱收到面试通知如下,酱大的公司有可能自动发面 试?? 想请问也有收到的大家 Quote 本公司已从104人力银行取得阁下的资料,您的学经历背景正符合本公司资材/采购类AD3 002全球运筹管理师职务需求。若您对此工作有兴趣,请尽快回电或回信至Angela1_Tseng @asus.com告知方便面试之时间,谢谢。 若有任何相关疑问,亦欢迎来电或来信方式告诉我们! AD3002⅔y运筹管理师 1.Plan and implement material flow management systems to meet production requi rementsꀊ2.Analyze all aspects of corporate logistics and negotiate transportation rate s or services to ensure the most cost-effective means of transporting products or supplies.ꀊ3.Ensure 3rd party logistics providers compliance with company policies or pro cedures for materials transit and storage. 4.Develop risk management programs to ensure continuity of supply in emergency scenarios and transporation safety 征试地点:台北市北投区立德路15号 Unquote