IAAF to Investigate Nike's ZoomX Vaporfly Following Multiple Broken Records Professional runners claim the shoes provide an unfair advantage. The IAAF recently issued a statement to The Times acknowledging the issue. “Recent advances in technology mean that the concept of ‘assistance’ to athletes… has been the subject of much debate in the athletics world,” said the statement. “The IAAF has established a working group to consider the issues.” 国际田径总会开始调查Nike's ZoomX Vaporfly是否给穿着的运动员不公平的优势 心得: 就跟以前在游泳时穿鲨鱼装可以减低阻力给与运动员优势, 之后就被禁止的起手式一样 不知道会不会对未来专业长跑选手的比赛有额外规定呢 觉得Nike一件靠着鞋子的设计可以形成调查很厉害 新闻连结:https://bit.ly/33Ou8nx