Re: [北美] 行为型问题征集

楼主: yschen25 (卡)   2022-07-13 05:35:39
我自己在准备 behavior questions 的时候,
面试官问的问题,其实是隐含他想知道的事情,比如说这题 :
"Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with the situation?"
面试官其实是想知道 :
* 你是否愿意承担责任,不是找借口或是责怪别人,而是从错误中学习,
这边回答的技巧是 :
* 不要说自己从没失败过
* 简短的举出实例说明
* 但不能是频繁发生的问题 (会显示你很粗心,没学到教训),或是很严重比如损失好几万
的订单 (讲了应该会不敢用你)
* 不要找借口,不要抱怨,不要把错怪在别人身上
* 显示出你从这件事学到什么,怎么避免下次再发生
回答范例可以按照 Situation, Action, Result 去回答
Situation (情况): I was managing a project for one of our biggest clients in
my previous company, and I was so eager to please them that I told them we
could finish the project within 2 weeks. I thought this was doable, but it
ended up taking 3 weeks and they were not happy. Looking back, I realized I
should have been more conservative in my estimate to the client. I realized
that a client isn't going to be upset if you're clear about the timeline in
advance, but they are going to be disappointed if you promise something and
then don't deliver.
Action (行动): So I took this experience and used it to become much better at
managing the expectations of clients during projects I oversee
Result (结果): on the next project with a different client, I told them it'd
take 4 weeks and we finished in 3. They were very happy about this.
比如说对方问 : Do you think you are a good developer?
你可以反问说 : How do you define the definition of good?
The developer who can write the good code? Or they have good communication
上面的 SAT 只是个大纲,不需要把答案背起来,知道怎么讲就好。
不把对方当陌生人回答的很正经拘谨 (当然也不是说要搞笑的意思),
比如说工作之间为什么会有 gap,这种先想好答案比较不会慌乱,
(1) Why do you want to work in the xxx country?
(2) What do you want to earn from this job?
(3) ...Some other related questions about your resume.
2. 冲突处理
(1) Describe a time when your boss was wrong. How did you handle the
3. 压力处理
(1) Tell me about a time you were under a lot of pressure. What was going on,
and how did you get through it?
(2) How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
(3) Tell me about how you worked effectively under pressure.
How did you handle meeting a tight deadline?
4. 环境适应
(1) How well do you handle change?
(2) Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work and how you
dealt with it.
5. 工作伦理
(1) What do you like most and least about your current job?
6. 失败处理
(1) Tell me about a time you failed. How did you deal with the situation?
(2) Have you ever made a mistake? How did you handle it?
7. 组内合作
(1) Tell me about a time you disagreed with a decision. What did you do?
(2) What do you do if you disagree with your boss?
(3) Describe a time when you struggled to build a relationship with someone
important. How did you eventually overcome that?
8. 面对挑战
(1) Give an example of a goal you reached and tell me how you achieved it.
(2) At your current job, what are you most proud of?
9. 做决定
(1) Did you ever make a risky decision? Why? How did you handle it?
(2) Did you ever postpone making a decision? Why?
(3) Describe a decision you made that wasn’t popular and how you handled
implementing it.
10. 其他
(1) How would your former boss describe you?
我有用 HackMD 针对 behavior questions 系列做整理,
包括 What They Want to Know && tips 可以参考看看,希望多少帮到你 :D
作者: belindazo (矛矛)   2022-07-13 06:22:00
作者: sam9595 (帕帕)   2022-07-13 08:21:00
作者: a1wyzz (MAI)   2022-07-13 08:52:00
作者: timmerix (GAIA)   2022-07-13 09:33:00
作者: umum29 (....)   2022-07-13 09:56:00
很不错的问题集 基本上只要能回答大概HR那关都没问题
作者: colivia (柯南真多(抖))   2022-07-13 14:52:00
作者: junior71033 (无名小卒)   2022-07-13 22:31:00
作者: daefirts (impossible is nothing!)   2022-07-13 23:40:00
作者: cass (cass)   2022-07-13 23:55:00
作者: CoNsTaR ((const *))   2022-07-14 00:13:00
其实还是觉得不要把 BQ 当作 situational questions 来回答比较好...个人认为不论哪个 BQ 问题,重点都不在那个问题字面上的问题本身以 tell me a time you failed. how did you deal with the situation 这个问题为例,其实根本没有人在乎到底你当时处理的问题是什么,你为什么 failed 或你从中学到了什么反而会让他们耳朵会打开的东西是:当时的情况如何(例如当时 client 紧不紧急,能够承受的风险有多少 etc),你当时评估需要的时间所注意到的事(例如当时有一个新的 team member,他的状况如何,或是其中某个技能可能 new to某个 team member etc),你当时对于你的评估把握有多少(例如很有把握,就算无法如期也能如何如何 etc)等等的那些失败的原因啊什么的其实都只是整个故事的 filler 而已,真正的重点其实是展示你实际上能承担多少事和在处理事情上有多少经验因为你每提到一个像是上面例子举的东西,其实就代表你知道 in that case 你要怎么 behave,所以这样一定比写故事创造完美人格(很多人会拘泥于这个)有用很多再以原原 Po 提的问题,你会怎么描述你的主管为例重点就会放在你理不理解主管和下属之间运作的关系上,例如他是一个怎样的人,因为他给的 feedback 通常都如何如何,这如何帮助你的 team 在哪些事情上如何如何,他也怎样怎样,因为他都会怎样怎样,这怎样让你们 team 的气氛/效率/whatever 怎么样因为一个不理解主管和下属之间运作关系的人(可能没当过主管或没当过下属),一定不会有这些经验,要是你有这些经验,那就代表你知道身为一个员工你该怎么 behave,或是身为一个主管你该怎么 behave其实主要的重点就是不论问题是什么,反正就尽可能地把你相关的经验塞进你的回答里就对了其他的东西,例如特意着墨在你的 work ethic 什么的,其实都不是很重要
作者: cass (cass)   2022-07-14 09:38:00
作者: bluebluelan (新阴流大目录免许皆传)   2022-07-14 09:43:00
作者: wiggle1114 (wiggle)   2022-07-14 09:57:00
作者: qwertqwe (qwertqwe)   2022-07-14 20:59:00
作者: tfg3leeh (tfg3leeh)   2022-07-15 13:21:00
要用 SAR 架构就请切记 A 才是需要细加着墨的回答重点,S 简短摘要即可。许多面试者常见问题就是浪费大部份时间解释刻划 S,然后 A 和 R 说得很弱,个人认为这篇给的就是此类问题典型示范,不是很推荐这样答

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