[试题] 107-2 周先捷 哲学概论 期末考

楼主: dogluckyno1   2019-06-19 23:11:06
试题 :
Q1. Come up with a (new) case in which we seem to have "a jusified true
belief" but no knowledge. Explain why it is so.
Q2. Suppose we are in such a world as Barkeley describes it. Can we have
knowledge about thhe world as such (according to the traditional analysis of
knowledge? Can there be a certain kind of Cartesian skepticism in such a
world? Why or why not?
Q3. How is it possible to change a whole body (including the brain) like what
happens in "the Hot Chick" in each of the following theories: substance
dualism, eliminative materialism, functionalism, and property dualism.
(Explain what mental and/or physical conditions to meet).
Q4. Friend's Wedding: Your best friend is about to get married with a woman
he has loved so much. The ceremony will be performed in one hour, but you
have seen, just before coming to the wedding, that your friend's fiancée has
been having an affair. Your friend's fiancée regrets so much that she swears
to you she will never cheat again. If your friend marries this woman, she is
unlikely to cheat again, but on the other hand, if you tell your friend about
the affair, you will ruin his wedding. Would you, or would you not, tell your
friend of the affair?? (Source: David Hopkins) (1) What would act-
utilitarianism urge us to do? Explain why. (2) What would Kant's theory urge
us to do? Explain why. (3) What is the categorical imperative in this case?
(4) What is your own preference? Why?

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