[试题] 103下 江金仓 高等统计推论二 Test 1

楼主: t0444564 (艾利欧)   2015-04-14 15:44:17
试题 :
Statistical Inference (Test 1)
1 (10%) Let X1,...,Xn be a random sample from a p.d.f f(x|θ0) and θn be an
 unbiased estimator for θ0 whcih attains the Cramer-Rao lower bound, where
 θ0∈Θ and dim(Θ) = 1. Suppose that the MLE θ of θ0 is a solution of
               2                ︿  ~
 ∂l(θ|X1,...,Xn) = 0 and -∂l(θ|X1,...,Xn) > 0. Show that θn = θn
 θ             θ
2.(15%) Let X1,...,Xn be a random sample from a population with probability
 density function fX (x|θ) = (θ0)x^(θ0 -1), 0 < x <1, 0 < θ0 < ∞.
 Derive the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likliehood estimator of θ0.
3. (15%) (5%) Derive the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood
 estimator under some suitable conditions.
4. (8%) (7%) Let Y1,...,Yn ~ (p0)f(y) + (1-p0)g(y) with p0 being unknwon,
 and f(.) and g(.) being knwon p.d.f's. Implement the EM-algorithm to obtain
         ^(r)        ^(r)
 an EM-sequecne {p } and show that p will converge to the MLE as r→∞.
5. (15%) Let {Xi,δi,Zi}i=1 be a random sample with Xi = min{Ti,Ci},
 δi=I(Xi=Ti), and Zi being a p ×1 covariate vector. Suppose that λ(t|z) =
 (λ0)(t)exp(β0 z) is the hazard function of T conditioning on Z=z. where
 (λ0)(t) is a baseline hazard function and β0 is a p ×1 parameter vector.
 Conditioning on Z,T and C are further assumed to be independent. Write the
 partial likelihood estimation criterion for β.
6. (15%) Let (Y1,x11,...,x1p),...,(Yn,xn1,...,xnp) be independent with
 E [Yi|xi1,...,xip] = (mi)π0(xi1,...,xip) and Var(Yi|xi1,...,xip) =
  π0                       π0
 ψ*mi*π0(xi1,...,xip)*(1-π0(xi1,...,xip)), i=1,...,n, where xi1,...,xip are
 cobariates, π0(xi1,...xip) = exp(A)/(1+exp(A)), where
          A = β00 + β01*xi1 + ... + β0p*xip,
 and ψ is a scale parameter. Show that the quasi-score estimator is different
 from the least squares estimator for (β00,β01,...,β0p).
7. (10%) Suppose that Yi~Xυi, i=1,...,k, are mutually independent. Try to
 find the Satterthwaite approximation for Σ ai*Yi, where ai's are known

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