[试题] 102上 林英智 无机化学 第一次期中考

楼主: Tuba (Walk the line)   2014-11-27 15:18:51
课程教师︰林英智 教授
试题 :
1. Find all the spectroscopic terms for N atom (2s)^2(sp)^3. Predict the ground
state terms. Under the influence of the spin-orbital coupling, what are the
energy levels? (no need to arrange in the order of energy level) What is the
ground state term for the electonic configuration of (2s)^1(2p)^4. (10%)
2. Four of the lines in the visible region of emission spectrum of hydrogen
are 656.28, 486.28, 486.13, 434.05 and 410.17 nm. Show that these wavelengths
are consistent with eq. 1/landa = R(1n1^2 - 1/n2^2). Determine n1 and n2. (10%)
3. Use the Slater's rule to predict the effective nuclear charge for the
valence electrons in 4s of Ca. (5%)
4. Use the valence orbitals to construct MO diagram (draw shape of MO and
energy level) of O2. Fill in appropriate number of electrons. Give the
molecular spectroscopic terms. (10%)
5. The Bond dissociation enthalpy of Cl2, Br2 and Br-Cl are 242, 224 and 218
kJ/mol, respectively, the Pauling electronegativity of Cl is 3.2. Find the
Pauling electronegativity of Br. The first ionization energy and electron
affinity of Br are 1140 and 325 kJ/mol, find the Mulliken electronegarivity
of Br. (note: use proper unit) (10%)
6. Use the VSEPR model to predict the structure of SOF4, what are the bond
order of each S-F bond and the S-O bond? Predict the structure of (XeF5)- and
SF4. (10%)
7. Draw possible stereoisomers for the trigonal bipyramidal anion [SiF3Mex]-
and PMe3F2. Suggest and rationalize the sites occupied by F. (10%)
8. For a three-fold rotation C3 and a two-fold rotation C2, find the matrix
representation of x, y and z axis. (10%)
9. Find the point group of the following molecules: (a) H2O2, (b) trans and cis
CHCl=CHCl, (c) CH2Cl2, (d) M(NH2CH2CH2NH2)2Cl2, (g) o-, m- and p- C6H4Br2.(10%)
10. For H2C=C=CH2, (use the following charater talbe of point group D2d) give
all representations of molecular vibrations and specify those that are IR
active and Raman active. The irreducible representations should be orthogonal
meaning that the dot product should be zero. Use your imagination to prove
that A1 and A2 are orthogonal. (15%)
(D2d charater table showed)

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