考试日期︰2014年06月20日(五),17:00 - 2014年06月21日(六),17:00
试题 :
due: 7pm 6/21/2014
1. In class, we talked about three approaches for modeling customer
relationships, i.e. 1) Customer Relationship Management,
2) Customer Experience Management, and 3) Customer Managed Relationship.
Please use the leisure farm in your term project as your research target
to command on which of the above is most applicable to their case.
2. Go to the website of 香格里拉休闲农场
a. Discuss how the internet is used as a marketing tool for the farm and
how it helps to position the farm in relation to neighboring area of
leisure farming.
b. Using this farm as an example, discuss the pros and cons of the internet
as a distribution channel compared with traditional distribution
3. Critically examine the following two micro films about leisure agriculture
and community, and then answer the questions.
苗栗九大休闲农业区微电影- 湖东休闲农业区:
a. Use these two examples to discuss their connections to the following view
by Morgan, Pritchard and Pride (2002): “Tourism destination brands are
also beginning to reach beyond the tourism industry. Many of those
brands at the leading edge of destination marketing are seeking to
position themselves as place brands, whereby whole countries, states and
regions are embarking on brand-building initiatives that are inclusive of
tourism and economic development.”
b. Explain why it is often necessary for community to play an active role in
the work and operations of destination branding and marketing.
c. What is the target market for each leisure product? Explain.
d. What design techniques are used? Explain.
‧ to capture attention?
‧ to enhance awareness of product features?
‧ to encourage a response?
‧ else?