zaxwu (阿萨)
2017-02-10 11:27:10萨尔达的部份的访谈内容整体
- Mentions that the game is harder. Died a lot.
- In other Zelda games, a group of enemies would attack you one at a time. In
BotW, they will gang up on you.
- During a thunderstorm, one guy threw his metal equipment at an enemy, the
lighting was still attracted by the metal equipment and struck the enemy.
- Bring struck by lighting deals a massive amount of damage.
- "The Far Cry 2 of Zelda."
- You can launch your bombs or explosive barrels great distances by freezing
it with the Stasis Rune and striking it a bunch.
- For an open-world game, still seems to retain the "Nintendo polish."
- "Bold and cool."
- "Seems super dense. Lots to do."
- Not sold on weapon durability.
- There is no "ideal path" Game is very free from.
- A Treehouse employee mentioned that at no point playing the game did he
find a weapon with infinite durability. If this includes the Master Sword is
a mystery.
- Link goes "YAH"
- Cutting grass does not give hearts or rupees.
- Animation is fantastic.
- Game looks amazing.
- Shrines are compared to the Riddler Puzzles from the Batman Arkham games.
In a good way.
- The dungeon they went through felt smaller than Twilight Princess'
dungeons. Still was one of the best parts of the demo they played.
- Game Informer has played more of this game than anyone outside of Nintendo.
Feels like they've still seen only a small portion of the game.
-They didn't get to meet Zelda at any point while they played, nor did they
do quests.
-No noticeable bugs/glitches, they said that it felt very polished.
-Music is very understated, it didn't make a strong impression on them. It's
not that they disliked it, it just wasn't very memorable.
-The dungeon was still very "tricky", despite being smaller then the dungeons
in the last few games.
-One of the guys thought that the dungeon didn't feel short, although another
guy (who is currently playing Twilight Princess) thought that the BotW was
shorter then the average TP or SS dungeon
-They're very excited for the game, and are surprised that they still haven't
found any noticeable flaws.
但我没力气翻译 XDDD