Odakyu (青蛙骑士 瀬戸幸助)
2016-05-06 22:44:48※ 引述《FaithPrice (信仰的价值)》之铭言:
: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20160506/854356/
: 纽约通勤民众要伤脑筋了,因为L线地铁沿线车站整修,整条线可能将关闭18个月;
: 若陆续关闭沿线车站整修,工期可能会拖到3年。
: 纽约大都会捷运署(MTA)周三宣布地铁整修方案,连接曼哈顿和布鲁克林北部的L线
: 地铁可能会关闭18个月,而另一个整修方案是分段关闭部分车站,但此方案会将工期拉长
: 到3年。不管怎么做都会让纽约通勤民众非常头痛。
: 捷运署表示本次整修工程主要整修L线地铁的卡纳西(Canarsie)隧道,维修这座年
: 纪已经有94岁的隧道,尤其在珊迪飓风中被大量的盐水损坏的区域。2012年的那场飓风把
: 这条东河水下的隧道侵蚀得很厉害,整修工程势在必行。
: 但L线地铁每天有超过30万旅客,关闭整修工程对往返布鲁克林和曼哈顿的民众冲击
: 最大。关闭隧道不仅会影响到通过东河的地铁,还会影响在曼哈顿第一大道至第八大道之
: 间,以及在威廉斯堡的贝福德和卡纳西的洛克威大道之间公共汽车线路。(廖育琳/综合外电
: 报导)
方案一 河底隧道段双线关闭18个月
所有L线车都改以Bedford Av.做总站,不驶入曼哈顿
配合整修,J与Z线车在Myrtle Av.与Marcy Av.拉下来做各停
方案二 河底隧道段以单线通行3年
东线 Rockaway Parkway<>Lorimer St.
西线 第八大道-Bedford Avenue
MTA Outlines Two Options for L Train Tunnel Closure
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority outlined two options for a looming
closure of the New York City subway’s L train tunnel, setting the stage for
a debate over how much pain riders will endure—and for how long.
One option calls for fully closing the L train’s East River tunnel for 18
months. This plan would sever a key link for Brooklyn riders, making it much
more difficult for patrons to get to dining and nightlife spots in trendy
neighborhoods such as Williamsburg.
Toxic Contamination Found on Portions of Tracks at Penn Station (April 28)
MTA Approves $27 Billion Capital-Spending Plan (April 20)
L Tunnel Work Set for 2019 (April 18)
It would also shutter a reliable crosstown subway route along 14th street in
Manhattan. That is because the L doesn’t intersect with other subway lines
in that borough, and a tunnel closure would prevent those trains from getting
to a rail yard in Brooklyn for repairs, inspections and maintenance.
A second option would keep one of the L train’s two tracks running under the
river but with infrequent—and likely crowded—subway service between both
boroughs. This repair plan would take three years.
The dual options were unveiled by MTA officials on Wednesday as they embark
on a public-relations campaign about the L train’s closure, which is
expected to begin in early 2019.
The tunnel overhaul is expected to cost an estimated $800 million to $1
billion, and officials compared its scope to repairs of damage the 1 subway
line sustained in the Sept. 11, 2001, World Trade Center terrorist attacks.
Nine of the subway system’s 14 underwater tunnels were damaged by superstorm
Sandy in 2012, but the L train tunnel suffered among the worst.
Repairs have long been expected to prove the most disruptive to New York City
’s transit network because the L is the only subway line between Manhattan
and northern Brooklyn, carrying an estimated 225,000 riders between the
boroughs each weekday.
“The L train is an important line to the people who ride it because there is
no substitute,” said Mitchell Moss, director of the Rudin Center for
Transportation at New York University. “It’s the coronary artery to
Williamsburg and the neighborhoods to the east.”
L Train Pain
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority unveiled options for closing the L
subway tunnel between Manhattan and Brooklyn starting in 2019. An estimated
225,000 riders pass through the tunnel each weekday.
Two-track, 18-month closure
‧ No L trains between Eighth and Bedford avenues
‧ L operates between Rockaway Parkway
and Bedford Avenue
‧ J and Z trains make all stops
between Myrtle and Marcy avenues
One-track, three-year closure
‧ No L trains between Lorimer Street and Bedford Avenue, free shuttle buses
provide alternate service
‧ L service operates in two sections:
1) Rockaway Parkway and Lorimer Street
2) Between Eighth and Bedford avenues
‧ L trains skip Third Avenue in both directions
‧ J and Z trains make all stops between
Myrtle and Marcy avenues.
Source: Metropolitan Transportation Authority
The closure is part of an MTA plan to rehabilitate what is officially known
as the Canarsie Tunnel.
Built in 1924, the tunnel’s internal electrical systems and concrete innards
are deteriorating—damage hastened by lingering effects from corrosive
saltwater from superstorm Sandy, officials said.
While MTA officials say the L train tunnel is currently safe for trains
carrying passengers, they say they are trying to get ahead of problems that
could result in unplanned service disruptions—or worse.
Pointing to a collapsed concrete structure inside the tunnel, MTA officials
said a similar failure derailed a G train in Brooklyn last year, causing
minor injuries.
In detailing the two tunnel-closure options they are weighing, MTA officials
dismissed two other considerations.
Performing construction only on nights and weekends wouldn’t work because
potentially harmful silica dust generated by construction could extend
closures into the workweek, MTA officials said. Air tests and cleanup would
have to be completed before trains could resume running through the tunnel by
perhaps Tuesdays.
Digging another tunnel would also be a non-starter, said the officials, who
are worried about losing potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in
federal funding as the fourth anniversary of Sandy approaches and national
elections loom.
“That would take years and years,” said Ronnie Hakim, president of the MTA’
s New York City transit division, which operates the city’s subway and
buses. “We just don’t have the time to even undertake—even if we could
find the money—to do something like that.”
MTA officials are planning a public meeting in Brooklyn on Thursday; another
meeting in Manhattan is expected later this month. The goal is to let riders
and business owners weigh in on the closure options before the MTA’s board
votes on a repair plan later this year.
Have something to say about an article in Greater New York? Email us, along
with your contact information, at gnyltrs@wsj.com. Letters will be edited for
brevity and clarity. Please include your city and state.
Riders will also get a preview of transportation alternatives that would
accompany each tunnel-closure option.
MTA officials sketched out early plans including beefed-up subway service
including on the G line, whose train length would double to eight cars.
There are plans for a shuttle bus to the J, M, Z lines to get riders over the
Williamsburg Bridge. MTA officials suggested a new ferry link to East 20th
Street in Manhattan, where riders could take increased express-bus service in
“People are rightly desperate to preserve any service they can,” said state
Sen. Daniel Squadron, a Democrat whose district includes North Brooklyn and
who called for public MTA meetings about the tunnel closure. “But at the end
of the day it’s the best service that people are going to gravitate toward.”
话说在80年代,这条L线走的Canarsie Line差点要关门
70 80年代的纽约地铁超恐怖的,涂鸦很多,犯罪频生,乘客大减。
顺带一提,L线的Canarsie Line可以在Broadway Junction汇入J/Z的Jamanica Line