1. "It wasn't against the rules."
1. 没有违规
The conspiracy of silence to this day tells you all you need to know about
the hollowness of such a claim. Again, we were a decade outside of the
steroid bust of Ben Johnson. Steroids were a well-known taboo. Everyone knew,
including those who took them, steroids were a conscious, elaborate, covert
decision to go outside the boundaries of fair competition, not to enable
performance but to enhance it beyond what was naturally possible.
事实是 大家都知道类固醇是违禁品 Ben Johnson的药检事件已在多年前发生了
包括那些用药的人都知道 用药就是让成绩长的比自然允许的更好
2. "Everybody was doing it."
This canard infuriates me the most. When I wrote the 2002 SI investigation on
steroids in baseball in which Ken Caminiti said about half the players in the
game were juicing, people criticized him for exaggerating the problem. Many
of those same people now are using the "everybody was doing it" excuse. It's
a lazy, terrible insult to everybody who played the game clean.
选票: Bagwell, Craig Biggio, McGriff, Jack Morris, Tim Raines, Curt Schilling