uranusjr (â†é€™äººæ˜¯è¶…級笨蛋)
2012-10-28 15:19:42※ 引述《oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)》之铭言:
: 本想慢点贴上来.. 没想到再不贴就来不及了..
: Baseball has been known to decide the presidential election. From 1952
: to 1976, the theory that if an American League team won the most recent World
: Series the Republican candidate would win the presidency. There was a wonky
: stretch of four wrong predictions in five cycles between 1980 and 1996, but
: the past three elections have abided by the playbook.
: In all, 11 of the past 15 elections were correctly predicted by the winner
: of the World Series.
: http://tinyurl.com/9r9t77l
: 简单讲, 美国总统大选与同年的世界大赛有很大的关联性,
: 美联冠军赢下世界大赛的话, 有很高的比例共和党会拿下总统大选的胜利.
: 这样的事 从 1952 年开始的十五个样本里, 发生了十一次.
: 国联巨人身在深蓝的加州, 看来帮了民主党一个大忙...
标准标题杀人法, 原 po 有担任台湾记者的潜力 ^.<
Sorry fellow baseball fans. We'd like to think that National Pastime is
somehow connected to the pulse of the Presidential Election. But it's not.
This informal study suggests that the winner of the World Series IS NOT
a strong predictor of the presidential election.
内容还不错, 可以当做统计谬误的教材