July 13, 2008
Prospectus Q&A
Brandon Webb
by David Laurila
A National League All-Star for the third straight season, Brandon Webb has
clearly established himself as one of the best pitchers in the game. The
possessor of what is arguably the best sinker in baseball—Webb’s 3.74
GB/FB-ratio over the past four seasons is tops among all MLB starters—he
goes into the midsummer classic with an NL-best 13 wins. Last season, Webb
put together a 42 1/3 consecutive scoreless-innings streak, the 12th-longest
in big league history, en route to leading the senior circuit in innings
pitched. A 29-year-old native of Ashland, Kentucky, Webb captured the
National League Cy Young Award in 2006.
连续三年被选为国联全明星,Brandon Webb 无庸置疑是最顶级的投手之一。他拥有着世界
上最犀利的深卡球(Webb 在过去四个球季以 3.74 的滚飞比领先所有 MLB 的先发投手)
,而他将带着国联最佳的 13 胜参加这场仲夏的经典赛事。上个球季,Webb 拥有着连续
42 1/3 局未被得分的纪录(这是大联盟第 12 长的纪录),而他的投球局数也在国联排名
第一(译按:文中的 the senior circuit 指的是国家联盟)。现年 29 岁,出生于肯塔
基州的 Ashland,Webb 在 2006 年获得了国联赛扬奖的殊荣。
David Laurila: How would you describe Brandon Webb’s approach on the mound?
Brandon Webb: I try to pitch to contact. That’s the biggest thing for me,
trying to throw quality strikes down in the zone with the sinking action I
have. I like to get early contact, and if you can do that, and have good
defense behind you, you’re going to pitch a lot of innings and keep yourself
in the game with a low pitch count. So I want early contact, a lot of ground
balls, and early outs. That’s kind of how I go about it.
DL: A lot of guys talk about pitching to contact, but how do you go about
doing that—how can pitchers consistently induce weak contact?
BW: By keeping the ball down in the zone and making quality pitches instead
of just throwing it down the middle without any movement. If you do that—if
you leave pitches out over the plate—you’re going to get tattooed. So it’s
all about throwing good quality pitches down in the zone, and hopefully you’
ll get outs more often than not.
DL: When asked why your sinker is so good, your usual response is to say that
it’s mostly just a result of your natural arm action. How would you describe
your arm action?
BW: When I throw, I try to think about working on top of the ball and
creating a two-point movement, instead of just a lateral movement that a lot
of people have by working on the side of the ball. I really concentrate on
getting my two fingers that I throw the ball with over on top to get that
two-point movement.
DL: Can you describe, in specific terms, how you grip your sinker?
BW: It’s just a two-seam fastball. You can basically throw a curveball with
any grip; you can throw a slider or a changeup with any grip. It’s the same
with a sinker. It really doesn’t have anything to do with the grip; it’s
the way you manipulate the ball with your arm action. I do grip the ball the
same each time, though; it’s what feels most comfortable to me.
DL: The ability to make adjustments is a big part of pitching. What type of
adjustments do you typically make on the mound?
BW: A lot of times I have a tendency to throw across my body, so I have to
watch out for that and kind of bring my landing foot back over toward the
first-base side; I have to concentrate on working my body toward the plate
instead of around it. I also have to make sure that I get my arm up—get my
elbow up—so that I’m not rushing. I need to get a good balance point so
that my elbow is in the proper spot, at the proper time, to consistently
throw quality strikes.
而不是侧向着本垒(译按:throw across one's body 就跟字面上的意思一样,是指投球
DL: How would you describe your overall pitching mechanics?
BW: I think I’m pretty basic. I have the same arm angle that a lot of guys
have. My lower half is pretty identical to most every pitcher; every pitcher
has a good balance point and things like that. My mechanics are pretty
DL: Do you view your sinker as just one pitch, or as multiple pitches with
different velocity and movement to different zones?
BW: Yeah, I do sometimes take a little velocity off and work differently
against right-handers and left-handers. I’ll try to bring it off the body to
left-handers, and I’ll get a lot of strikeouts with that when it’s going
good. I’ll do the same thing to lock up a right-hander, getting it to come
back on the outside. Behind on the count, I’ll take a little off to try to
get a hitter too far out front so he’ll hopefully roll the ball over. So
sure, you can definitely look at them as different pitches.
DL: Last year, left-handed hitters hit more balls in the air against you than
did right-handed hitters. Why?
BW: Left-handers, because they’re so used to seeing the ball sink away, sink
away—they dive out over the plate and try to shoot the ball to left field. I
think it’s probably that as much as anything.
DL: Have you made any adjustments in an attempt to induce more ground balls
from left-handed hitters?
BW: Yes, we’ve tried to come inside with a four-seamer and cutters this year
to try to get them off of that outside pitch. That way I’m opening up the
outside so they won’t be diving after that pitch as much.
DL: Do you buy into the theory that sinkerball pitchers are more effective
when their arms aren’t quite as fresh?
BW: It’s probably different for different people, but in my case, if I’m
really strong I think the ball does tend to flatten out a little bit. If I’m
around 87 to 89, maybe 91, it’s a lot better than in some games where in the
first few innings I’ll be 89 to 93. It can be kind of flat then.
出去球的变化幅度会减少一些。如果我的球速在 87 到 89 英里,或者在 91 英里,那时
的情况通常会比我在球赛一开始球速有 89 到 93 英里时好的多。在球速快的时候变化幅
DL: You led the National League in innings pitched last year, and are among
the league leaders again this season. What are your thoughts on workload?
BW: I take pride in having a lot of innings, because if you’re leading the
league, or are even close to leading the league, it means you’re out there
doing well and keeping your team in the game. So I take a lot of pride in
that. As far as workload, if you do your exercises and keep in shape, you
should be fine. I don’t really worry about working too much.
DL: How do you prepare for games?
BW: I actually don’t do a whole lot of preparation. I go over the scouting
report with the catcher for about five minutes, but other than that I
basically just go out there and do my thing. There’s stretching and all
that, but I don’t go too much in depth with the other stuff. I like to keep
it simple.
DL: It sounds like you don’t start to really focus until closer to game time?
BW: Exactly. I start stretching my legs and arm with the trainer about an
hour before the game, and that’s when I kind of start locking in. Some
people take the whole day, but I’d be worn out if I did that. I like to
interact with guys and don’t change my routine too much from the everyday,
because I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. I take it like any
other day up until the point that I go to the trainer to start getting ready.
I’m pretty open to anything before that.
DL: Lenny DiNardo of the A’s has said that there’s a correlation between
pitching and playing the guitar, in part because of the pressure he puts on
the seams. As someone who also plays the guitar, do you agree with him?
运动家的 Lenny DiNardo 说投球跟弹吉他是有关系的,而有一部分的原因是因为对缝线以
BW: Personally, I don’t correlate that too much, because I don’t put any
extra pressure on my index finger to throw the sinker; I keep it pretty
equal. I suppose there might be for some guys who do both—pitch and play the
guitar—but not for me.