tzuyy (..)
2009-12-08 10:03:32Quidquid mihi dederis, vile est. Tu esto haereditas mea!
Amo te. Totus amo te:
toto corde, tota anima, tota mente amo te.
Quid erit mihi, quidquid dederis mihi praeter te?
Hoc est Deum gratis amare, de Deo Deum sperare,
de Deo properare impleri, de ipso satiari.
Ipse enim sufficit tibi; praeter illum nihil sufficit tibi.
Whatever you give me is cheap. You yourself, be my inheritance!
I love you. I love you without reserve:
with all my heart, with all my soul, and all my mind.
Anything you give me that is not yourself means nothing to me!
This is to love God freely, to hope for God,
to hurry to be filled up, to be nourished by him.
Indeed, this satisfies you; nothing except this satisfies you.
~ Augustinus, Sermo 334.3