tzuyy (..)
2009-11-29 22:26:59Noli ergo mecum intrare in iudicium, Domine, Deus meus.
Quantumlibet rectus mihi videar,
producis tu de thesauro tuo regulam,
coaptas me ad eam, et pravus invenior.
Ne intres in iudicium cum servo tuo.
Misericordia indigeo, fugitivus redeo, pacem quaero
Non sum dignus vocari filius tuus.
So, do not enter into judgment of me, O Lord, my God.
No matter how straight I might seem to myself,
you bring forth a standard from your treasury,
you apply it to me, and I am found crooked.
Enter not into judgment of your servant!
I am in need of mercy, I return as a fugitive, and I seek the peace.
I am not worthy to be called your child.
~ Augustinus, Enarrationes in Psalmos 142.6