参考资料:https://tinyurl.com/yykbey6s,#202 贴文
公式如下:100 - 目标君主野望 + (使者势力信用 / 3) 即为成功机率
实质意义:想劝降?先拿玉玺吧!信用度为 100 的情况之下
成功机率可简化为“133.33 - 目标君主野望”一目了然
野望 33 以下君主,必定可被劝降成功,83 以下也还有 50% 成功机会
野望 99 君主曹操,也有 34% 机率可被劝降,逆天至极!
High trust actually makes it easier to get a submission. For example, if you
are Dong Zhuo with 50 trust trying to get Yuan Shu to surrender, your odds
Success % = 100 - 81 + 50/3
= 19 + 16 = 35%
With 100 trust, the success chance rises to 52%.
Interestingly, when selecting an officer to perform the Threat action, the
game by default shows you the officer's charm, which has no effect on the
final result (actually, the performing officer doesn't matter at all except
when it comes to getting caught or captured).