geordie (Geordie)
2021-01-07 19:43:21※ 引述《xamous (一天死去一点)》之铭言:
: 1.转录网址︰
: https://www.facebook.com/526175220750138/posts/3932632430104383/
: 2.转录来源︰
: 人渣文本FB
: 3.转录内容︰
: 刚发了关于庞佩欧的留言,好像被挡了。
: 再发一次。
: Pompeo also announced Kelly Craft, the US ambassador to the UN, would soon tra
: vel to Taiwan, calling the island "a reliable partner and vibrant democracy th
: at has flourished despite CCP (Chinese Communist Party) efforts to undermine i
: ts great success."
: "Taiwan shows what a free China could achieve," he added.
: 原本台美关系是可以不在一个中国之下的,现在又回到自由中国了。
: 知道差别吗?
: https://i.imgur.com/oOXD8MB.jpg
: 4.附注、心得、想法︰
: 美国国务卿兼外交部长庞佩欧发表声明谴责港府,并宣布美国驻联合国大使Kelly Craft
: 将访台。时代力量党代表人渣文本周伟航指出,原本台美关系不能在一个中国之下,现在
: 却用了a free China,表示又回到自由中国了。
"free China"
thus making clear to Chinese readers everywhere that phrase “free China”
merely descriptive and not name of separate new political entity
但是庞佩欧讲的却是"what a free China"
而不是那个"phrase"的"free China"