NDark (溺于黑暗)
2015-06-28 09:20:24原文网址:https://www.patreon.com/toucharcade?ty=h
Touch Arcade 需要你帮忙才能走下去
Touch Arcade is creating iPhone Game News, Reviews and Forums
We've been covering iOS gaming since 2008, and don't want to stop anytime
Touch Arcade一直都在制作iPhone手机游戏新闻,回顾,及论坛。
TouchArcade is the internet's largest and oldest iOS gaming site. We've been
covering iPhone gaming since before the App Store even launched with early
stories such as Gameloft showing interest in the iPhone, Unity announcing
upcoming iPhone support, and more. Since then, our team of writers, which
consists of the most dedicated iOS gamers on the planet, are constantly
pumping out news, reviews, guides, interviews, and all sorts of other great
content while keeping their fingers on the pulse of iOS gaming 24 hours a
day. We've got an amazingly popular podcast we've been recording weekly for
years now, and the most active iOS gaming forums on the internet hosting
discussions of quite literally every major event and game release, from
Freecell to Chaos Rings III, in iOS gaming history.
TouchArcade是网络上最大且最资深的iOS游戏网站。我们自App Store创立以来就关注
Over the years, we have been on the ground floor of iOS gaming as it has
evolved from simple tilt-based maze games to full-fledged recent console game
ports like BioShock. It's been an exciting and entirely unpredictable ride,
as iOS gamers rarely know what's getting released from week to week until the
games are revealed in our weekly new iPhone games coming tonight posts. While
the mainstream media largely ignores mobile gaming, we've discovered
countless hidden gems of the App Store, sat down with legendary game
developers, met with world-renowned pro skaters, discovered unheard of indie
studios which have become household names, and all sorts of other crazy
things. We're considered the authority on iOS gaming, and have an audience
that includes gamers and developers all over the world, as well as visitors
from nearly every level of Apple.
。当主流媒体忽视行动游戏,我们已经发现了无数App Store上的朴石,及那些传奇游戏
When TouchArcade was born, the App Store was a very different place, and our
web site was structured around the tried and true idea of building a great
place for iOS gamers to visit every day and financing the day to day costs of
that operation by providing a platform for iOS developers to target those
gamers via unobtrusive, highly relevant, banner ads. For a long time it
worked great, as iOS games were sold for years with a very traditional
mindset of selling a game for a few dollars, and marketing that game with a
small advertising budget. As the iOS industry grew, sites like TouchArcade
TouchArcade诞生之际,App Store跟现在很不相同,我们的网站是希望成能提供iOS玩家
Unfortunately, the iOS game industry has changed drastically. Needless to
say, the App Store of 2015 is a very different place. Free to play games have
almost entirely taken over, and the hyper-metrics-driven business models of
giant free to play developers has given rise to a new form of
analytics-driven marketing known as user acquisition. Instead of buying
banner ads on sites like TouchArcade to reach consumers, marketing a new free
to play iOS game involves funneling often hundreds of thousands of dollars
(or more) in to companies whose sole purpose is to run elaborate in-app
promotion networks to get people to download a new free to play game. In the
face of this new style of game marketing, traditional advertising revenue has
all but completely dried up, and TouchArcade is dying.
不幸地,iOS游戏产业产生剧烈变化。不由分说,2015年的App Store已经不同以往。免费
At the height of the early days of the App Store, there were dozens of iOS
gaming sites covering every conceivable angle imaginable. In recent years,
with the shift to free to play and lack of financial support from developers,
nearly all of those sites have shut down- Leaving us among the last standing.
The few that remain now have either drastically downsized, diversified into
covering other platforms, are shifting business models to host developer
events instead, are producing significantly less content, or worse yet, are
publishing far less interesting content through focusing on padding traffic
via exclusively posting things ultra-casual free to play gamers might be
searching Google for. We could potentially gain a small stay of financial
execution by exploring the option of sponsored posts, obnoxious advertising,
and other ways to generate revenue to keep the site alive, but they all come
with the significant side effect of making the site worse for our readers...
Which doesn't make them seem like viable options at all, as our community is
everything to us.
在App Store的早期,有十数种从不同角度来报导iOS游戏的网站。最近几年因为游戏转变
For TouchArcade to survive, we need your help.
We want to continue our focus on all the amazing things happening inside the
world of iOS gaming without compromising our focus or diminishing the
experience for our readers. We want to keep providing incredibly in-depth
reviews of obscure games you might not have heard about otherwise, we want to
keep shining spotlights on sleeper indie classics, and we want to keep the
internet's best iOS gamer community alive and healthy. We want to continue
exploring the specialized corners of the App Store no one knows about. It's
hard to imagine how boring iOS gaming would be without a site like
TouchArcade to highlight the massive amount of incredible games that slip
between the cracks of Apple's featuring system, and where the studios behind
those games would be without us bringing attention to their efforts.
开发者,维持这一个iOS最棒的社群,让他能发掘App Store的各个角落。很难想像没有了
With your Patreon support we will be able to keep doing all those things and
more for a very, very long time.