[翻译] Game Devs: When Does Crunch Cross The Line?(游戏开发的加班是否已经太超
原文:Game Devs: When Does Crunch Cross The Line?
Last week, Crytek stepped into a world of trouble with a tweet about the
development of Ryse: Son of Rome for Xbox One. The company boasted of feeding
its crunching team members "more than 11,500 dinners" during the game's
development. The #RyseFacts hashtag was co-opted by Twitter to strike out
against the idea of crunch development as a good thing. Among those who had
negative tweets about crunch culture was former Epic games designer Cliff
Bleszinski, who said the practice was "unsustainable".
上个礼拜 Crytek 在Tweeter上发了短文提及在XBox One上开发Ryse: Son of Rome遇到了
加班困境。这间公司自夸自己提供晚餐给加班的同仁。RyseFacts 这个标签则是大加挞伐
加班是好事这个点子。同样对加班文化有反感的是前Epic的设计人员Cliff Bleszinski,
"'Crunch time' = bad management," tweeted Bleszinski. "This just in: Next gen
AAA console launch game with many scripted sequences required lots of crunch."
Is crunch a necessary part of our industry? Is it a result of bad management
and should be avoided at all costs? GamesIndustry International reached out
to a number of industry veterans to see how they felt about crunch. Despite
disliking forced crunch, the folks we spoke to seemed to believe that crunch
is something that will remain in the industry.
GamesIndustry International访问了一定数量的退休人员,询问他们关于加班的看法。
"I'm going to go out on the limb here and might be answering in a way that
strays from the quality of life conversation. My belief is that crunch will
always occur in our industry, but it's never something that should be relied
on," said Obsidian Entertainment CEO Feargus Urquhart. "Why do I think it
will always exist? Because, as game makers we create things. Creation is
hard. I doubt that Einstein packed it up after 40 hours a week and I doubt
that James Cameron puts in his eight and then turns in for the day."
Obsidian Entertainment 的CEO Feargus Urquhart说:我现在作个大胆的猜测,先不谈
Junction Point Studios founder and game designer Warren Spector said crunch
was the result of working with a host of unknown factors in creative mediums.
Since game development is always full of unknowns, crunch will always exist
in studios that strive for quality.
Junction Point Studios的投资人与游戏企划Warren Spector 说过加班是与一个未知参
"Look, I'm sure there have been games made without crunch. I've never worked
on one or led one, but I'm sure examples exist. That tells me something about
myself and a lot about the business I'm in," said Spector.
"We work in a medium of unknowns. We go into projects with, usually, a high
level idea and a ship date. We rely on others to execute against those ideas,
bringing their own creativity to the table. As we get deeper into the process
we discover that things that sounded good on paper don't work in practice.
Things that worked in prototype don't work in a fully textured and lit level.
And then the folks providing money or distribution randomize and disrupt by
demanding demos or screenshots at the most inconvenient times!"
"What I'm saying is that games - I'm talking about non-sequels, non-imitative
games - are inherently unknowable, unpredictable, unmanageable things. A game
development process with no crunch? I'm not sure that's possible unless
you're working on a ripoff of another game or a low-ambition sequel. And I've
never, personally, been much interested in either - as a player or as a
developer. I've never had enough time or money."
There are some positives to crunch: working through adversity helps bring
team members closer together. Former 2K Marin creative director Jordan Thomas
and Naughty Dog co-founder and former THQ president Jason Rubin agreed with
this idea.
加班有一些好处:渡过困境的团队会更有向心力。前Marin的创意总监Jordan Thomas 与
Naughty Dog 投资人又是前THQ 总裁Jason Rubin 都同意这个论点。
"To me, the sister concepts of voluntary crunch and even focused, near-term
crunch intended to hit specific goals