Raist (闷油瓶好帅阿阿阿)
2020-03-28 22:19:15我得声明我真的一点都不腐
但是这书怎么看怎么腐啊 XD
首先 Bilbo跟Frodo实在是叔姪情深
Bilbo离去以后Frodo还朝着叔叔离去的方向思春 心想:真想跟着叔叔一起走
当Frodo被救到Rivendell、昏迷三天时 Sam那可是一个心急如焚
"Sam has hardly left your side, day or night, except to run messages."
好 光是这句老实说看起来还没什么异样 只能说是感情实在太好了
就算是朋友之间 在病榻前朝夕陪伴也不足为奇(? 我好像没有这种朋友 QQ)
就在Frodo醒来以后 "Sam came in. He ran to Frodo and took his left hand, awkward
-ly and shyly. He stroked it gently and then he blushed and turned hastily away."
又是害羞 又是揉搓Frodo的柔荑 还给我脸红害羞到不好意思直视Frodo
先不说Frodo对他是否有同样的情感 至少Sam是gay无误了吧?
然而 我们再来看看Frodo对Bilbo的态度—
Gloin looked at Frodo and smiled. "You were very fond of Bilbo, were you not?
he asked. "Yes," answered Frodo. "I would rather see him than all the towers and
palaces in the world."
是有没有这么喜欢 这么想再见一面啊?
不过呢 Bilbo喜欢的似乎是Aragorn—
"I made that up myself," he whispered to Frodo, "for the Dunadan (此指Aragorn)
, a long time ago when he first told me about himself. I almost wish that my
adventures were not over, and that I could go with him when his day comes."
这里是在说Bilbo替Aragorn做了一篇赋(或者说诗歌 反正Bilbo是个创作歌手就对了)
而且希望自己的冒险还没结束 因为他还想继续跟Aragorn一起旅行
而 when one's day comes 其实还有另外的意思 就是指往生
我必须再次强调 我并不是一开始就抱持有色眼光看待他们的
但是Bilbo跟Frodo都没有结婚生子 从头到尾都没有对任何女性展现任何兴趣
他们之间的感情又非常的火热 害我现在已经认定他们是多角恋了
都可以组成人形蜈蚣了 lol)
我随便估狗了一下 虽然不用估狗也知道 一定有人跟我有同样的想法啊 XD
我承认我很后知后觉啊 但是书就在那边尘封快二十年嘛 QQ
以前看中文版时 不知道是翻译问题还是年纪问题 就没有意识到他们之间的基情
现在看到大家聚集在精灵城进行简报那里 觉得很像公司在开会一样 还满妙的
精灵王Elrond是会议主席 一开始把大家叫进会议室
Elrond主席先大致介绍与会人员 然后就是各部门主管轮流报告事务
先是矮人Gloin报告说隔壁索伦企业的派人去猎人头 跟他们谈合作 说是要找魔戒
接下来是Boromir跳出来说他是来打酱油的(误) 说他做了一个梦 梦里有个谜语不知何意
(嗯 你就为了一个梦 跋山涉水走了110天来请人解梦 了不起)
因为梦里提到断剑跟Isildur's Bane(也就是魔戒)
Aragorn就跳出来把身上的断剑往会议桌上一丢 说这就是那柄剑
Frodo也跳出来 把魔戒亮出来 说这就是那个信物
但是Boromir这个卑鄙的外乡人(?)就很怀疑他们是诈骗集团啊 你说了我就信?
眼见自己的爱侣(误)被质疑 Bilbo忍不住跳出来唱歌(?)—
“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.”
想用这篇自己写的赋来替Aragorn背书(不是啊 你随便编了一首诗我更不信啊 XD)
而后轮到Gandalf补充之前跟Sauron交手的过去 顺便甩个锅
说原本都追查到某个在Dol Guldur出没的死灵法师就是Sauron他本人啊
当时就想要除掉他 但是萨鲁曼学长一直说再看看啊
Aragorn就说他去追查Gollum的下落 好不容易找到 但是两个人感情很不好(?)
Aragorn说 "He will never love me, I fear; for he bite me, and I was not gentle.
Nothing more did I ever get from his mouth than the marks of his teeth."
呃……我真的不是故意要想歪 但是感觉就很微妙啊
人家咬你 你也对人家很粗暴 感觉好像是SM一样 囧
"we had not the heart to keep him ever in dungeons under the earth, where he
would fall back into his old black thoughts."
他们是北欧那种人权国家是吗?还要照顾到犯人的身心灵这样 免得他们得忧郁症 XD
"In the days of fair weather we led Gollum through the woods; and there was a
hight tree standing alone far from the others which he liked to climb."
最后 大家当然最想知道Gandalf不在的那段时间到底跑哪去了 为什么大理段二没有赴约啊
Gandalf才娓娓道来 说原来是被Saruman学长骗去听直销洗脑讲座啊
学长说 现在是我们人族崛起的时候啦~精灵们都去吃屎吧~什么精灵啊矮人啊都有够废的
"all the things we have so far striven in vain to accomplish, hindered rather
than helped by our weak or idle friends."
弃暗投明 加入学长的蓝钻阵营发大财啦~
后来他靠着一些动物朋友的帮忙(一整个像童书绘本的情节 XD) 逃走了
其中有一匹中土界的汗血宝马 名唤 "Shadowfax" 根据Gandalf的说法—
"a great friendship has grown between us, and if I have need he will come at my
等等 你们是有交换Line吗?否则要怎么随传随到啊?是因为这样所以叫做shadowfax吗?
后来又讲到要怎么处置魔戒 原本他们还想说要送到大海的另一边—
"And they who dwell beyond the Sea would not receive it: for good or ill it
belongs to Middle-earth; it is for us who still dwell here to deal with it."
讲得好像在处理核废料一样 还想要丢给别的国家 人家当然不想要啊 XD
这会真的开很久 足足有43页这么久 久到哈比人都肚子饿了
Bilbo还吐槽说 "Elves may thrive on speech alone" 一整个酸爆
我以前没有哈比人讲话很酸的印象啊 XDDD
我必须说 虽然仍然对魔戒没有爱 但是整本书槽点还满多的 边看边吐槽也是一种乐趣?