推 hosichin: 法拉拉不知道用了什么方法开了今年的车 08/30 10:30
→ hosichin: 准确的说是年初 08/30 10:30
→ hosichin: 但规定上来说是不行的才对XD 08/30 10:30
Promotional events (of which each team is allowed two per season up to a
maximum distance of 100km each) and demonstration events (of which each team
is allowed two per season - plus any organised by F1's commercial rights
holder - up to a maximum distance of 15km using demonstration tyres) do not
count towards this tally.
赛季中一支车队被允许做两次的宣传 每次最多跑100km
另外还可以额外做两次F1官方相关的展出 每次最多跑15km
→ corlos: F1=Ferrari 1 08/30 11:00
推 bgflyer: 这路线也蛮猛的 08/30 11:19
推 doro0202: 路是窄,估计四轮的都不好过,就差不多机车考照的宽度, 08/30 11:37
→ doro0202: 脚踏车应该还好才是 08/30 11:37
推 hangzer: hupu那里有人说是用kimi的方向盘 所以设定上有差XD 08/30 11:38
→ hangzer: 这满能解释为什么会上墙XD 08/30 11:39